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By Dave Scherer on 2016-09-20 10:00:00

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I have been disappointed in Mick Foley as GM.  He messes up his lines quite often and seems weak in the role.  I expected more of the classic RAW GM from yesteryear.

I don’t know what a classic GM from yesteryear is but frankly, if you mean the over the top, played out heel character, I am so glad that Foley is not that.  That act has grown tired over the years to me.  I think Foley has been fine. 

Now that AJ is champion, and given how history has shown that Vince likes to have a babyface win the championship at Wrestlemania, would you give AJ a long title run and keep the title on him until then?

If it’s me, I would keep the Title on AJ for a while.  He has been great and he really deserved to win the belt.  Until there is an obvious person to beat him, which I don’t see right now, I would leave the Title on him and build him up as a true champion in the process.  Mania is more than six months away so I want to see where things go between now and then.

Dean Ambrose's run as champion has been nothing spectacular.  Do you think the writing on the wall for his reign to end began when Stone Cold called him out on his podcast?  When a guy of Austin's reputation calls you out and you fail to respond, it certainly doesn't look good, does it?

I think Austin was out of line on the podcast.  He acted as if it was 1999 and guys could tell Vince what they were going to do.  Back then, if Austin got out his WWF deal, he could bounce to WCW.  Now?  That option isn’t there.  Austin acts like it is.  With that said, I think Ambrose’s run was hurt by the promos that they had him do, plus putting him in with Dolph Ziggler at SummerSlam.  I mean no disrespect to Ziggler, he’s great, but it was clear that the fans didn’t think he had a shot of beating Ambrose and that hurt the match.  Making the move to AJ Styles was the right one.  Hopefully, Ambrose can get his momentum back as he chases the belt.

Why did WWE have part timer Kane go over Bray Wyatt?  Come on, the guy deserves a run!!

That loss to Kane didn’t hurt him as it was all set up by Randy Orton.  With that said, Wyatt is in a position similar to Ziggler in that he has lost so much, they will have to work hard to get the fans to believe in him.  To do that, he needs to start winning matches but the flip side is that the fans have lost faith in him as a top of the card character.  It’s a bad mix.

What members of the NXT roster are not exclusive to the WWE?  (If there aren't any non-exclusive wrestlers in NXT, then don't bother answering the question).

Last I heard, Austin Aries was still in that category.  Also, the talents that come in for one shots, like James Storm and those that get a short run, like Blue Pants.  But for the most part, the talents are under contract.

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