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What is it about the six-sided ring that makes wrestling on it so uncomfortable?
It’s all about the angles. When wrestlers are taught to run the ropes, it’s a straight line. With the six sides, the angles are much different and it requires the workers to adapt to them and it goes against what they have always done. Also, doing moves from the top turnbuckle makes for different footing angles as well.
Has there ever been an attempt at creating a circular wrestling ring and if not, then why?
A six sided ring is bad enough. A circular ring? That would be a total cluster. I have never heard of anyone wanting to do that, and for good reason.
Do you think WWE would have advertised Orton, knowing he might not be cleared, if the show was still on traditional PPV? Do they feel more freedom when fans pay a small price for a ton of content, rather than a steep price for one show?
Probably. The card is subject to change and it’s not like Orton was failing all of the tests. It was a touch and go issue. Plus, they could have always done an angle to take him out in the back had they advertised him but were not able to use him. They have always said that PPVs are about a show as a whole, not the result of one match.
How come in NJPW there are larger groups formed, where in say like WWE, TNA, group members are kept to a minimum? Not for nothing, but Chaos, Suzuki-gun and Bullet Club have a lot of members.
In WWE, they like to create singles stars, as they feel that is where the money is. For that reason, they stay away from large factions.
I read on one of your Q&A answers recently that Stephanie Mcmahon is not currently involved in creative for the company. I always thought she was head and sort of next in the chain of command to Vince? Has she been demoted?
Her husband has that position now (though the head of creative is really Vince McMahon). She is the Chief Brand Officer. It’s not a demotion at all. It’s a way for her to use her expertise in a different aspect of the company.
You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.
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