If a WWE performer is suspended under the Wellness Policy and said performer is able to show the WWE a legit Doctors prescription for the drug they were suspended for, would the WWE then cancel the suspension and allow the performer to get back to work? And, for instance, if it was a first offense for 30 days, would it be taken off so it would be like it never happened?
No, because talents have to file their prescriptions with the company, so that when they are tested, the company is aware of what they are taking. If they fail to do so and fail for that substance, they are given a grace period to show the company the legitimate prescription. If they fail to do so, they are suspended.
Wasn’t it rumoured that Kota Ibushi was going to appear at NXT takeover? Can we hope that he will appear during the NXT TV taping portion?
It wasn't a rumor. We reported weeks before the show that he would be there. Unfortunately for the fans in Brooklyn, he only made a few cameos.
Why, when someone is about to be slammed on the announcer table, do they yank off the monitors?
So they don't legitimately injure their opponent.
Why does VKM call someone up from NXT, and then do nothing of note with them? Does this bother HHH?
I would assume it does, but HHH is too smart to ever show that in any public light. Privately, he'd be likely to speak to McMahon about it, but never in a public forum.
What would you like to see added to the WWE Network next? Personally, I would love to see WCW Saturday Night from 1992-1997, followed by WCW Thunder even though the later years sucked.
Smoky Mountain Wrestling's complete TV run.
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