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By Mike Johnson on 2016-08-20 10:15:00

Yesterday, covered WWE's  Summerslam Reading Celebration at the Queens Metro Boys & Girls Club.  During the event, I was able to briefly speak with Cesaro about the event and Summerslam weekend.  Below is the complete transcript.

MIKE JOHNSON: Mike Johnson from here with Cesaro on Summerslam weekend.  We are here at the Metro Queens Boys & Girls Club in Queens, New York at the Summerslam Reading Celebration.  Sir, how are you today?

CESARO: I'm doing fantastic.  How are you?

JOHNSON: I'm doing great.  Obviously, when WWE comes to a big town, they do a lot of community outreach like this.  Now, you're a gentleman who speaks four or five different languages...


JOHNSON: So, talk about what it's like to give back to the communities especially at an event like this promoting reading.  You're obviously a very voracious reader given that you speak five languages.

CESARO: Yeah, you know it's funny because the first question is usually, 'You speak five languages right?' 'Yes.'  'You speak Spanish? 'No.' 

JOHNSON: That's the one you slacked off on.

CESARO: I have to work on my sixth one.   It's always great to come out and do the community stuff.  That's where the fun is. You see the kids and the smile on their face.  You only see so many people at the event like on Sunday [at Summerslam], which is going to be great, but to be able to reach out to people, especially kids, it's so much fun - especially reading.  I don't read too many books but I read a lot, because if you look at the way you learn anything, you are reading and nowadays with the Internet, you can read about information about anything.  That's just a resource that's just tremendous....I'm trying to think of the right word...

JOHNSON: Maybe we can Wikipedia it and find out?

CESARO: [Laughs] I should Wikipedia more big words!

JOHNSON: At an event like this, is there a favorite moment or memory, perhaps with a child?  In general, it has to be a cool feeling.

CESARO: The cool thing is when you step out and people are genuinely excited.  Kids don't pull any punches.  If they don't like you, they'll tell you right away....taking the time to talk and read to them, that's what's fun.  In the background you can hear the kids getting ready for the event and how excited they are.  To me, that's just part of what we do.  That's just so much fun.  We'll go through all the hard stuff in order to do the fun stuff and just give back to kids, because I think back and if I was a kid and someone came to my school or my Boys and Girls Club, that would be pretty sweet.

JOHNSON:   Summerslam this weekend against Sheamus in the first match in the Best of Seven Series.  What do we have to look forward to?

CESARO: Seven matches....well, hopefully less.  Hopefully only four.

JOHNSON: You should be hoping for four!

CESARO: Yeah, I was going to say, seven matches if you are lucky.  Four matches if I am lucky.  There hasn't been a best of seven series in quite a long time and to me, that's probably the best way to settle this dispute.  Sheamus and I both have something to prove.  We've both have a little chip on our shoulder, if you will.  We were both outspoken after the Draft and to me, that's the best way to settle it.   On a good night, it can go either way, so this way, we'll for sure find out who's the better one in the ring. 

JOHNSON: Then you can finally get your title shot too.

CESARO: Yeah. [Laughs]  I've been waiting for that for quite some time.

JOHNSON: Alright, I thank you for your time and I know you have a lot of kids that want to see you so I appreciate you taking a few moments to talk to us.

CESARO:  Thank you very much and see you soon.

Fellow Cesaro @WWECesaro.

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