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By Tommy Dreamer on 2016-08-10 17:04:00

Tommy Dreamer sent the following to after we inquired about results of his event over the weekend.  Enjoy:

I've never been asked the same question so much. What were the results of House of Hardcore 16 in Pasedena Texas.
I'm grateful so many fans want to know and follow the product.

So here is my own results. If I see them posted everywhere I want full credit or else I'm Singapore caning your website & call you out for being a copy & paster

Matt Striker (unadvertised surprise) defeated P-Dawg w/ The Double Duprees Monique & Monet Great opener fans loved Striker P-Dawg is former WWE ref Mike Posey who is possibly my favorite act. Striker did every Texas wrestler spot including the Undertaker sit up, which Billy Gunn rolled his eyes, I later told Matt that Billy is mad at him just to mess with him & Matt won w/ HBK superkick. 8 mins

ROW Diamonds Title
Kylie Rae defeated Katred filling in for Thea Trinidad who lost our House of Hardcore mascot Koivu the night before. I told her stay home, I've been thru losing a pet and it's heart breaking.  Solid match 7 minutes Kylie won w/ a stiff running boot to face. Mickie James sat at the curtain & gave them both pointers after. Kudos to Katred for flying herself to learn & just help out. Paying her dues & she got an opportunity to work. I love that.

Luke Hawx defeated Bu Ku Dao.  This was not for The WildKat Sports title.  Bu Ku Dao is next break out star in the Cruiserweight world. Very Exciting to watch. I didn't see the entire match but I was told it was good. My arms are bigger than Luke's btw even at 45.

Carlito defeated JJ Blake filling in for the injured ROW Heavyweight Champion Gino who broke his finger & had surgery the day before. I gave Gino crap all day because I broke 16 fingers which sucks because you only have 10 and I don't know which ones I've broken more than once. I feel bad for Gino but it happens. I feel badder for Carlito because he won the match. It didn't get the gold. Carlito looks great. Always works hard, watches every match. Always happy to have him in House of Hardcore & he is cool and sometimes spits in the faces of people who are not. Carlito over w/ backstabber

Billy Gunn defeated Lance Hoyt because he is an a** man whomp whomp.  Stiff match between these 2 6ft 6 men.
Billy is such a hard worker, looks great, I love having him on House of Hardcore shows. He watches all the matches, takes pride in his work. Same w/ Lance who is one of the best kept secrets in wrestling. He works alot in Japan & I use him whenever his schedule permits.

Billy wins w/FameA**er & shared my sentiments of if you are not down w/ House of Hardcore he had 2 words for ya Suck it.


Three Way Dance for the ROW TV Champion
Rex Andrews defeated Tony Nese & E Snow

Unreal match these guys brought their A games. I have yet to see Tony Have a bad match. I'm such a huge fan of his work. This match was great, I love the hybrid style as good or better than what you would see on WWE Cruiserweight Tournament Rex won by submission w/ an arm bar. Nese was icing his elbow later, which I hope doesn't affect him from signing his huge lucrative deal w/ .... worst headline ever  [Note from Mike Johnson: Hey Dreamer, it's Effect!]

MVP defeated Moose Hard hitting strong style match. Both guys were stars. I thought MVP would be the good guy & Moose the bad guy. I was wrong. Both men just went with it and brought a good match to the people.

The 1st ever in wrestling History
Mixed Texas Death Match
Mickie James & Tommy Dreamer defeated Pepper Parks & Cherry Bomb w/JJ Spade as their enforcer (TNA Braxton Sutter and Allie)

5 Star Match even w/out the Young Bucks in it.
Match of The Year Candidate
Match of The Century Candidate (Move over Savage vs Steamboat)
& I got to say Dreamer is losing weight, has Rick Rude abs under his tshirt, I think he is growing more hair & looking younger
(I'm the reporter I say what I want)

Awesome, fun main event, brawled all over building. Mickie looks and moves amazing She still got it. Pepper & Cherry are money together. A very ECW style match Sandman was involved, he brought out a ladder, which later Dreamer superplexed Pepper off of it because Dreamer is a 45 year old mark & walked around like a cripple all day Sunday at the Astros game.

The crowd was awesome so much energy the entire night. After show Dreamer called out Booker T who his crew really helped make things so much easier for House of Hardcore.

Since Booker can't do spinarooni anymore Mickie Dreamer & Sandman did them to end the night and they were awful. Everyone that came out had amazing energy. We raised money & awerness for Bustin 4 Autism. Thats my review Thanks for caring & supporting House of Hardcore.

Now can you dig that SUCKA!

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