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Why bring in a great team like The Vaudevillians and make them jobbers?
Unfortunately, it was due to the reaction that they got, and also the one that Enzo and Cass got. When they debuted on Raw, the latter got a big reaction and WWE ran with it. The Vauds weren’t so lucky.
Am I the only one who could care less about Dolph vs. Dean as Dolph has been buried for so long that no one believes he will win?
I can’t speak for everyone, but I understand your point of view. Ziggler has been buried, for sure, but at least they are trying to work on getting him over again. I loved the interview that he did on Smackdown last week. I don’t remember him ever doing a better one. I like the rehab that they have been doing on him. No, I don’t expect him to win at SummerSlam and I don’t think he should. They need to make Ambrose a strong champion to see what they have in him. But I think that they can book it so Ziggler comes out looking strong and that is the idea here.
AJ needs a major clean win over Cena or will be relegated to jobber duty?
I don’t think it’s an either/or situation. I would like to see him get a clean win over Cena too, but if he doesn’t it is not the end for him. The company likes him and his work. I think he will be OK.
The Club needs a big win of their own or are they jobbers too?
Again, I don’t see it as an either/or. With that said, I think they should beat The New Day because they could use some serious juice behind their push.
How about Balor winning with the help of The Club and them with all the titles and Seth turning face in the loss? This way Balor can say now he is 1st champion?
I think that would be hotshot booking. We are two weeks from the event and Rollins has been playing heel while Balor has been playing the face, so the turn wouldn’t make sense. I also don’t like the idea of the new guy needing help to win his first big match. I think WWE has done that too much in the past and it ends up with guys not looking strong.
You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.
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