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Conspiracy theory time! I've been reading online where it's been said that the UFC was not overly concerned with Brock passing a test as long as he got to fight at the event as both sides saw this as a one time deal. For the UFC, it would help them to pull big numbers for 200 and help cement the sale of UFC and for Brock it's a huge payday with very little travel / work which seems to be the kind of deal Brock likes. With the way this fight came together there was no way any of his test results would be back in time to call off the match so it's a win for UFC and a huge payday for Brock, regardless of any bad press that could have come from a positive PED test. So here's my conspiracy theory... While all involved hoped Brock would have enough time to get clean before the testing, everyone including the WWE knew there was a strong possibility that Brock would test hot so they took steps to minimize the damage by suspending a clean Roman Reigns for a Wellness Policy violation. This would show that it can happen to "anyone" even the top babyface. Plus, it didn't really mess with any of the programming as Roman still made the Battleground PPV, the timing of his suspension was almost... perfect! WWE still keeps Roman in the main event picture (and even uses his failure in the story line), other superstars like John Cena come to bat for Roman saying "he will emerge a greater leader" or calling it a simple "blip". All of this works to minimize the scrutiny that will come from when Brock does the same. Roman's push isn't lost, the fans still boo him but it's not like he was going to be the one cheered in a Shield feud. The Roman suspension may even overshadow the Brock violation because Brock's didn't happen in the WWE Universe. Had Roman not been suspended Brock would have likely been jeered over the failure, this gives the fans something to burn out on by the time Brock returns. Add that to the fact that fans like booing Roman and cheering Brock this seems to me like an insurance policy to keep Brock from falling in the eyes of the fans.
I think you are correct when you say it's conpiracy time. Everything else, no. UFC wasn't going to jeopardize themselves on one of the biggest shows of the year and WWE wasn't going to sacrifice Roman so someone else could get Brock to fight while dirty. No, just no.
I was really hoping that they were going to keep the world title as a single entity and elevate the U.S and Intercontinental championship to be the number one contender for each brand to face the world title holder at the various pay per views. It could have gone down one of two ways. One, have the opposite brands secondary tile holder going fot the world at the next pay per view. Two, have the US and Intercontinental title holders face each other as the kick off match at the PPV with the winner go for the world title in the main event. It would have been the perfect way to bring back the importance of each title and made them a must have title to get a world title shot. Now we have another title forced upon us that dilutes the world title even further. Your thoughts?
I have to agree with you in that I would have preferred one champion going back and forth across the two brands - and even showing up once a year in say, NXT - but WWE obviously feels they have to have one major title on each brand for storyline purposes.
What's up with this new pattern in WWE of not selling moves? Back to back on Raw and Smackdown, both Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins no sell a move into their finishers. Then on Sunday, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens no sell suplexes into reversals. And tonight on Raw, Cesaro no sells Kevin Owens move to a reversal. It's cool, but there is no payoff because none of the reversals lead to an actual pin. What gives?
Unfortunately, it's a trend that started on the independents that has become far more commonplace as matches transition into faster paced athletic showcases. It's just the way the pendelum is swinging and at some point, it will swing back.
What possible reason could there be for Bayley not to be drafted by either Raw or Smackdown?
She has to finish out her NXT story.
Once again...I like to say thank you for the best wrestling site. With WWE doing the draft and separate brands, will we see a annual draft to exchange the rosters around?
I suspect at some point, we will indeed see that. I don't think it needs to happen annually.
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