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So WWE just had a brand split because they essentially have such a deep roster, and a fully stacked developmental, that they need more TV time to allow everyone time to shine. Five years ago or so, the original brand split had to be ended because of a lack of depth in the very same talent pool. Many of the “new” talents are guys who are in their 30’s, who were conceivably available ten years ago and are only finding their way to the roster in the last year. Is this the ultimate indictment against John Laurinaitis as the head of talent relations, compared to what Jim Ross did before him, and what Triple H and Mark Corano have done after him? Or am I not giving him enough leeway due to the environmental factors at play against his legacy, such as he is not a McMahon like Triple H and can force change, and Punk and Bryan had not yet broken down the size/Indy barriers that have allowed many of the new talents to succeed today?
They actually had a brand split because Smackdown went from taped on Thursday’s to live on Tuesday’s and they wanted to make it seem different from what WWE was airing on Monday nights. With that said, if you are ranking the three for the job that they did with talent relations, Big Johnny placed third for sure. I think the big reason is that he basically did what Vince McMahon asked of him while Ross and HHH fought to get people that they thought could help the company.
Did Shane and Daniel Bryan just basically say that Carmella and Mojo are better than Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, Bayley, etc. I know it's obviously scripted/predetermined, and you don't want to leave cupboard empty in NXT, but if you were starting a wrestling brand and competing for greatness, would you take Samoa Joe or Mojo Rawley? Bobby Roode or Carmella? Etc. Lots of suspension of belief happens as a pro wrestling fan, but I found this hard to believe and think it craps on a lot of NXT talent. Your thoughts?
You are contradictory in your question. On the one hand, you know the business is a work and that NXT is a viable, touring brand than needs stars to draw fans to shows. On the other, you asked a storyline driven question. To answer, no I don’t think it means anything of the kind. I think what it means is that two TV characters played roles where picks were made for them and they acted as if they made the choices themselves. That’s all it was. Yes, WWE could have written that story better, perhaps supplying WWE with a list of draftable talents, but they didn’t.
Great site and great job by you guys. Just saw a video on Heyman Hustle and I include a link where Paul Heyman is saying what if Brock decided to really beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30 and conquer the streak. Do you believe this is a possible scenario or conspiracy? Or it isn't possible and Vince would've fired Brock had he done that?
Well, if Brock decided he wanted to win, he could do that against anyone in WWE. But he wouldn’t. He has always been a pro. I don’t see him ever changing a finish and being a slug like that.
This might sound stupid, but doesn't it seem like Vince will outlive all of us? The more that time wears on, I'm starting to believe it. If my grandfather had the gusto that he does, I would think he's inhuman. I would be scared to the nettles.
Nah, Father Time is undefeated and he will beat Vince one day too. He does have a ton of energy and a great work ethic, but I know a lot of older people that do. A lot of us approach age as a number. It doesn’t have to be a mindset.
I know that WWE decides the draft based on what is best for WWE and creative. However, I wonder if some choices could be done to split people up if they perceive that there is a negative influence. Possible example, Paige and Alberto Del Rio are now on separate brands. Do you think that was one of the considerations?
I do indeed. And frankly, WWE should consider those kinds of things in my opinion. For one reason, break ups can be ugly.
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