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I'm sure plenty of people are drawing comparisons with the New Day/Wyatt Family segment and the Hardy's Final Deletion segment. Is this just a coincidence that two over the top segments with the same tone and vibe air a week apart, is this a trend we should be looking for more of or is this just borrowing an idea (as they say, nothing in wrestling is truly original).
I am hard pressed to believe it was a coincidence. Plus, the Hardy saga has been heading down the road for a whole now. I think it’s an example of copying the competition (and Lucha Underground actually as they have done outside of the lines things for a while now). I can’t say if this is the start of a trend or not, but with the split coming up WWE will need to think outside of the box to make the two shows different.
Do you think it's fair for people to judge TNA's whole product just off of what they think of The Final Deletion?
To judge it JUST off of that? No, it’s not fair. If someone hated Final Deletion (which I did not by the way) and used it as an example of why they didn’t like TNA, at least I could understand that argument.
I've noticed complaints about WWE heels having to cheat to win such as AJ Styles over John Cena and Seth Rollins not getting clean wins. Why is anyone surprised? For all of Vince McMahon's claims of doing movies etc., he's held to the traditional heel vs face formula except during the Attitude era. And it's not like there aren't cheating heels in other promotions. Jay Lethal has gotten help from Truth Martini. The Addiction's won matches cheating. Johnny Mundo beat Fenix on Lucha Underground with a belt shot. Besides, I would argue it's just as bad to have heels bury faces who are supposed to be challengers by having them submit cleanly (IE: Del Rio as champion using the cross arm breaker, Rusev getting clean tapout jobs with the camel clutch, err Accolade.) So why the problem with heels doing what heels have done for years?
There is a big difference between cheating and acting cowardly. That is what people are complaining about. A heel should be viewed as an equal of the face. Then, he should cheat to gain an advantage. It works even better when it’s a situation where he doesn’t need to cheat, but just does it because he wants to. To me, the complaint is about booking the heels as wimps as opposed to tough guys that are evil too.
First we have "The Guy," now we have "The Dude." Is it me or is WWE becoming lazy when creating new nicknames?
Becoming????? Like it is a new thing?
I realize this isn't a UFC website, but wouldn't they be crazy to not do everything possible to book Lesnar vs. Overeem so Brock can avenge his loss? And if you're WWE, what do you do to take advantage of what he accomplished Saturday? 5 years away & to dominate someone like Hunt is an amazing feat.
I honestly don’t know enough about Overeem to say. I don’t even know if he still is a viable fighter. To me, the story was Brock had a foot of colon removed and wasn’t healthy and I think Saturday bore that out as, at almost 39 years old, he dominated. I think WWE should just keep doing what they did on Monday, play off of the fact that Brock is a dominant fighter.
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