I was watching ECW One Night Stand and for the life of me, can't figure out why the audience was booing Rey Mysterio - he was there in 1996 and was a babyface and over - what gives?
If you watch the first One Night Stand, the audience booed anything that wasn't retro. Anything that was WWE-centric was rejected by the audience. That night, that match really lost the crowd the second Psicosis took off his mask, since he always wore it in ECW. Given that he and Rey also worked a match that was more accustomed to a Raw or a Smackdown taping for an audience that was expecting something more akin to what the pair did in 1995 in Philadelphia, they were always going to be booed out of the venue.
If you mean 2006, it's quite simple - he was wrestling Sabu. No one was going to side against Sabu in that venue on that night. The fact that match had such a horrible, crappy ending didn't help either.
How can one arrange a tour of WWE HQ?
For 99.9% of the time, you can't. I believe WWE has given away guided tours in charity auctions and used to give tours to stockholders who attended their meetings when they were held at WWE HQ in the past, but there's no way to really call and request one. Pokemon Go or not, it's a working office, not an attraction.
I was reading about the old WWE restaurant and wondered why WWE got into that business in the first place?
It actually wasn't by choice. The company had made a deal to license themselves to a company that would open and operate the restaurant in Times Square. This was around the time that the company was about to go public (or just had gone public). It became apparent that the company wasn't going to have the money to get the restaurant running and it would have been a terrible blow to WWE publicly, so the decision was made to take it over and operate the facility themselves.
So, how long until ROH does a Final Deletion at the Briscoes' Chicken Farm?
Actually, the company did an entire episode from the Briscoes' farm several years back, and it was awesome. I think we need more Briscoes' farm in ROH!
Where was Final Deletion actually filmed? Did the set come with those crappy CGI drones?
It was 100% filmed at the home of Matt Hardy. The scenes at Jeff Hardy's home were actually shot there as well. I hate to break it to you, but all the drones, with the exception of the one showing hologrammatic Broken Matt, were real drones that were destroyed by Jeff with his guitar.
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