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By Dave Scherer on 2016-06-29 10:00:00

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With the release of the World of Warcraft movie and the Ascension in limbo, do you think now is the perfect time for them to go back to their original early-NXT characters?  I remember they had very unique gear and a dramatic entrance theme that was seemingly inspired by the Warcraft franchise.  I think these characters at this time would catch on well with the young male demographic. 

I honestly don’t think it will matter. They didn’t make a great impression when they debuted and the fans remember that kind of thing.

We saw during the Seth Rollins network special the trepidation he had performing the Pedigree, since the move puts all the force on his knee.  Now obviously his knee must be fine since he continues to use the move, but why not reduce the risk and have him go back to using the Curb Stomp, which puts much less impact on his knee and really, is a safer move to take since the recipient's arms aren't tied up.

WWE doesn’t like the Curb Stomp and I don’t blame them. With the potential to do damage to the head, I get why they don’t like it. The Pedigree isn’t a super physical move. If Rollins is healthy, doing it isn’t a big deal.

So they had a segment based on everyone making fun of Kofi's shoes, which are actually the signature shoe of the reigning 2 time NBA MVP and arguably the most popular basketball player of the planet right now, Steph Curry.   They are very high quality shoes that every young basketball player wishes they could afford.  How does having them make fun of such a quality shoe make sense? 

I didn’t get it either. WWE wishes that they had someone as popular as Curry on their roster. I shook my head at that bit too.

Money in the Bank looked like a good show on paper but isn't WWE making a mistake by rushing into these two main events? They kept reminding us that Rollins-Reigns & Styles-Cena are Wrestlemania quality, so why not let them build awhile until Summerslam? 

WWE and slow build haven’t gone together for a while. And frankly, they have a Network to sell so they want to keep people paying $9.99 a month. I do like the idea of slower builds, but they also need fresh matchups to make the PPVs interesting. It’s not an easy balance.

So the full list of participants in the Cruiserweight Classic came out, and it had a couple of veterans, namely The Brian Kendrick and Tajiri. You (Dave) seemed surprised to see Tajiri. But doesn't it make sense to have 3-4 vets in it, both as ring generals, and to sort of "kickoff" the tapings with a known name?

To me, the tournament is about bringing in young, talented guys for the Network audience, so I don’t see the need for veterans. Tajiri is almost 46 years old. Obviously his best days are long behind him. And if I am the NXT team, I actually don’t want vets there. I don’t want someone that will hide a guy’s a flaws and give me a false impression as to who he is.

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

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