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By Dave Scherer on 2016-06-21 10:00:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

MITB : What a disappointment! But I guess I should not be too surprised. I thought certain matches should have been higher on the card. I thought there was too much blabber. But most of all, I was SO disappointed in the Cena/AJ match. Although I knew that The Club would have an impact in the match (which to me makes AJ look weak), all I could think was "How many times will a referee get knocked out from a little tap in a big match"? Come on, that is so overused! I was so disappointed that they had to resort to that. (Funny how the ref always comes to just at the certain time!)

I HATE that booking crutch too, and they do it all the time. The second the ref gets bumped, fans look to the back to see who will come out. I honestly think the repetitiveness is why more people aren’t watching Raw and Smackdown. There are definitely people that like the stories to be fresh and interesting and when they aren’t (and let’s be real, that finish was so stale), some folks tune out.

I read Mike's thoughts on bringing back older veterans such as Michaels, Angle, Goldberg, and Punk.  While i'm all for it, and especially think Angle deserves to be celebrated as one of WWE's all time legends, doesn't the angles Mike presented go against everything you guys have written on the site for years regarding having older guys go over the young guys?  How could you bring these veterans back to compete without a) having them lose and look bad, or b) have the young guys look bad by losing to an old guy?

I wouldn’t. Mike and I had a spirited debate about the subject on last Wednesday’s show if you want to go and listen. Suffice it to say, I think the answer is to start protecting new talent and building them up, as opposed to having guys “beat” John Cena the way that AJ did at the PPV. Maybe they will surprise me and have AJ beat Cena clean, but that would go against their recent history of feeding people to John. As I mentioned above, the business works best when it’s not completely predictable and a big part of that is believing that matches can go either way.

Do you see Triple H ever having his rematch? Or will WWE pretend the rematch clause doesn't exist?

I think we are past that now, and I am OK with it. From a storyline standpoint, H only wanted the Title to keep it from Roman Reigns. And now, Reigns doesn’t even have it. Plus as mentioned above, I don’t see the point of trotting out older guys. It’s a young person’s business. It’s time to make new stars and move forward.

Why did they go with the ridiculously dumb team name of Breezango, when they had the super obvious and clever name FaBreeze practically staring them right in the face?

I didn’t think it was possible but you just found a name worse than what they picked. Good job.

Isn't Lesnar doing what Lashley done in TNA last year?

Not really, no. Lashley signed a deal with TNA that allowed him to work MMA too, and he does for a secondary group. Lesnar signed a WWE exclusive contract and then had to get WWE allow him to fight in UFC. They are vastly different scenarios. Lashley made the ability to fight part of his contract.

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

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