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By Dave Scherer on 2016-06-01 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

If I had the money to start my own wrestling company, who would you suggest to get to run the company for me? Bischoff? Ross? Heyman? Cornette? Anyone else?

OK, right off the bat I cross Bischoff’s name off of the list. He had big money behind him and while he had success early on, he had failure later. The contracts he handed out were a major albatross to WCW when the AOL merger happened. He spent a LOT. That was fine when things were going well. When they weren’t, it caught up to him. Cornette probably would be out because he hates to fly, and would have to fly to run a national company. I think both Heyman and Ross would be good choices and both have a lot of experience in different areas of running a company. In fact, I like the idea of Ross to run the business end while Heyman focused on the creative aspect.

Even though it's a long shot, if Low Ki were to return to WWE, would it be NXT, the upcoming Global Cruiserweight Series, or both?

I don’t see any way he returns to WWE. He is just too old and too small. There is no way Vince McMahon will book him, at his size, to out physical bigger guys. The Cruiser tournament doesn’t make sense either, unless he was brought in to put a young guy over, since he is not an up and comer. He is almost 37 years old. I could see a spot for him in NXT, kind of in the “come in and show us what you have” role that Samoa Joe has done so well with. But he would have to make that concession to where he is as a talent in 2016. He may not want to, which would be understandable.

Quick question about Hulk Hogan. In his prime in the 80's and 90's, he was one of America's most beloved characters. Many choices he's made in the last 10 years have tarnished that image to some degree obviously. You've said before that America is the land of forgiveness and second chances, so With the enormous jury verdict in the civil trial going Hogan's way, do you think this is a sign that America is ready to forgive Hogan and move on?

First off, the jury award has nothing to do with public opinion. They heard the facts in a case and made a decision based off of the laws that were explained to them. With that said, I think Hogan would have been forgiven right away if he had done a good mea culpa. But, he didn’t. As time goes by, more and more people forget. But WWE still has to be leery of any backlash that could come from reestablishing a relationship with him and as long as the trial is in the news, they will probably keep their distance.

Why would anyone pay full price for a PPV from a cable company when they can get it for less than 10 bucks on the internet?

The only legitimate reasons I can think of are they don’t have high speed internet, they have had a bad experience in the past with streaming and don’t want to take the chance or they don’t understand how the process works. I have a friend that has said many times that he doesn’t want to watch it on a computer. I told him he didn’t have to, but he didn’t grasp it. So I helped him hook up an Apple TV and now he loves the Network.

I am really pulling for TNA but they are coming across like the guys that can’t shoot straight. Is there any hope for them?

Until there isn’t, there is always at least a small ray of hope. To be practical however, I think that they best thing that can happen to them is for Dixie Carter to sell majority interest to someone that has resources and will conduct business the right way. TNA is what it is now under her leadership so if it’s going to change for the better, they need a new leader and a better direction.

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

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