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By Richard Trionfo on 2016-05-28 00:29:00

Welcome to’s coverage of FIP Accelerate 2016 from Gods and Monsters in Orlando, Florida.

Before the start of the iPPV there were some PreShow Matches.

Mad Man Malken won a Multi Man Fray Match.

In a Sparkle Showcase Match Aria Blake defeated Dark Angel
Richard Delicious, Rex Bacchus, Michael Patrick, and Leo Brien won an Eight Man Tag Match.

Troy Hollywood defeated Nick Nero

This concludes the PreShow portion of Accelerate 2106.

Start of FIP Accelerate 2016

Mister Saint Laurent, Rob Naylor, and Trevin Adams are in the ring.

Trevin Adams announces that Gary Jay is unable to attend tonight's show so replacing him against Sammy Guevara is Jody Kristofferson.

It is time to announce who is the fourth man in the Florida Heritage Title Match and it is Donovan Danhausen.

Rob Naylor mentions Adam Brooks and Sammy Guevara who are making their debuts tonight for FIP.  Rob mentions Jason Cade and Donovan Danhausen.

Mister Saint Laurent says that we have heard enough ass kissing from Rob.  Mister Saint Laurent says standing next to Rob Naylor makes him feel like a big and important man.  Mister Saint Laurent tell Trevin and Rob to leave the ring.

Mister Saint Laurent brings Monster Tarver to the ring.  Tarver takes the mic and he says he would like for Rhett Giddens to come to the ring right now.

Rhett Giddens makes his way to the ring.

Tarver talks about what saved his life seven years ago.  He says he felt like he was possessed and people did not understand him.  He neded to achieve a higher level of enlightenment.  The monsters are inside and that is what he became.  They are so much alike and then Rhett finally beat him.  Not only did you help him fight his demons, you fought your own.  He did not want to call Rhett out to congratulate him, he wanted to tell Rhett he has all of the weapons that he needs and the fight has just begun.  He tells Rhett that he is proud of him and nothing can stop him now.  Tarver says he has to learn the difference between Gods and Monsters.

Odinson makes his way to the ring.  Odinson says he takes out monsters like Tarver all the time.  He tells Tarver to step in the ring with the Asgardian Monster.

Tarver says that he has faced monsters bigger than him.  Tarver says that you think you are good, but he is wrong.  

Officials tell Tarver and Odinson to leave the ring.

Jon Davis walks to the ring and he stops to stare down Odinson.

Match Number One:  Jon Davis versus Rhett Giddens

They lock up and Davis backs Giddens into the ropes and they go into the corner.  Davis with a clean break.  They lock up again and Davis backs Giddens into the corner but Giddens puts Davis in the corner.  Davis pushes Giddens and Giddens pushes back.  Davis with a side head lock.  Giddens with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  Davis goes into the corner.  They lock up again and Giddens with a side head lock and shoudler tackle.  Davis goes into the corner again to regroup and think out a new strategy.  They lock up and Davis with a single leg take down as he starts to work on the ankle.  Davis kicks Giddens in the leg.  

Davis with a wrist lock and he drives the arm onto his shoulder.  Giddens with a reversal into a wrist lock of his own.  Davis with a reversal and sets up for a delayed vertical suplex but Giddens reverses into a suplex of his own.  Davis gets back to his feet and Giddens with a suplex for a near fall.  Giddens with a running uppercut into the corner but Davis sends Giddens shoulder first into the turnbuckles.  Davis kicks Giddens in the arm.  

Davis wraps the arm in the ropes to add more pressure and then he chops Giddens very loudly.  Davis with another chop and a kick to the back.  Davis with another kick to the back.  Davis with an arm bar and punch.  Giddens punches Davis and kicks him.  Davis sends Giddens into the turnbuckles and then hits a flatline into the turnbuckles.  Davis with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.  Giddens with kicks to Davis but Davis with a knee and facebuster.  Davis misses a punch but Giddens does not miss and he connects with a shot to the face.  Davis sends Giddens into the turnbuckles but he misses a splash and Giddens with a flying boot to the head and he gets a near fall.  

Davis with a jaw breaker and kick to teh arm but Giddens with a Bossman Slam for a near fall.  Davis with an arm bar submission but he releases the hold.  Davis with a kick to the arm and then he hits Three Seconds Around the World but Giddens kicks out at two.  Davis gets Giddens up again but Giddens gets to his feet and he sends Davis into the turnbuckles.  Giddens with a gutubster from a fireman's carry.  Giddens runs into a boot from Davis and then Davis with a pop up power bomb into a German suplex.  Giddens with a clothesline and both men are down.  Giddens gets a near fall.  

Giddens and Davis exchange forearms but Davis with a shot to the injured arm.  Giddens with a head butt.  Davis with a forearm.   Davis with elbows anda  forearm.  Davis with a wrist lock submission and he pulls back on the arm and Giddens taps out.

Winner:  Jon Davis

Match Number Two:  Jason Cade versus Adam Brooks

Before they lock up, Brooks goes to the floor to get inside Cade's head.  They lock up and Brooks with a wrist lock and Cade with a series of kip ups before reversing the wrist lock.  Cade keeps Brooks from getting to the ropes.  Brooks with a reversal.  Cade uses the ropes to flip into a reversal and a side head lock.  Cade floats over in the corner and hits a shoulder tackle.  Cade with a head scissors and drop kick.  Cade misses a charge into the corner and Brooks is sent to the apron.  Cade with a springboard drop kick and Brooks falls to the floor.  Cade goes to the apron but Brooks moves.  Brooks moves to avoid Cade and then Brooks with a kick and a Fosbury Flop plancha onto Cade.

Brooks shows Cade a little disrespect with a gesture to him before sending Cade back into the ring.  Brooks gets a near fall.  Brooks runs his forearm against the back of the neck and he kicks Cade.  Cade with punches but Brooks with a back elbow and then he gets a near fall with a Jericho cover.  Brooks rakes the eyes with his boots.  Brooks with a kick to the back for a near fall.  Brooks with a suplex and a chop in the corner.  Brooks chokes Cade in the ropes and then kicks Cade in the chest.  Brooks with a chop.  Cade with an Irish whip but Brooks gets his feet up.  Brooks sends Cade to the mat but Cade sends Brooks into the corner and hits a running spin kick.  Brooks with a running boot to Cade for a few near falls.  

Brooks with a head lock submission but Cade does not tap out.  Cade is sent to the mat and Brooks follows with a back senton for a near fall.  Cade gets an elbow up and then he hits a side Russian leg sweep into the turnbuckles and both men are down.  Cade is sent to the apron and then he connects with an enzuigiri.  Cade goes up top and Brooks crotches Cade.  Brooks with a chop and then he sets for a super rana but Cade pushes Brooks off and Brooks lands on his feet.   Cage with Meteora and both men are down.  Cage and Brooks exchange punches and forearms.  Brooks with a jaw breaker but Cade with punches and a bicycle kick.  

Cade wtih a running knee into the corner followed by a running boot and Northern Lights Suplex followed by a double stomp for a near fall.    Cade goes for a springboard move but he slips on the top rope.  Brooks with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall followed by a running boot into the corner.  Brooks misses off the turnbuckles when Cade moves.  Cade with a knee to the head and Brooks goes to the floor.  Cade wtih a suicide dive onto Brooks.  Cade with a plancha onto Brooks.  Cade sends Brooks back into the ring and then Cade goes up top  and lands on Brooks' knees on a frog splash.  Brooks with a Codebreaker off the turnbuckles for the three count.

Winner:  Adam Brooks

After the match, Adam is asked about his match against Jason Cade.  Brooks insults Kid Cadet before talking about Jason Cade.  He says Jason is one of the top wrestlers in FIP, but at the end of the day, he got the win.

Match Number Three: No Disqualification Match:  Earl Cooter (with Veronica Vox) versus Deimos

Cooter wtih a punch but Deimos runs Cooter into the corner and connects with shoulders.  Cooter wtih a knee but Deimos with more shoulders.  Cooter with a thumb to the eyes and an uppercut.  Cooter with a baseball slide through the ropes.  Cooter wtih a suicide dive onto Deimos.  Cooter kicks Deimos on the floor and then drops Deimos onto a chair.  Deimos sends Cooter into the chairs and then into the apron.  Deimos charges at Cooter but Cooter moves and Deimos goes into the ring post.  Cooter chokes Deimos with one of the cables and he whips Deimos in the back with it.  Cooter tries to hang Deimos with the cable.  

Cooter with a punch as they go into the crowd.  Cooter comes off one of the side walls with a double sledge.  They fight over towards the announce table and Cooter hits Deimos with a foreign object.  Deimos with a forearm to the back as they go through the front row.  Deimos and Cooter return to the ring.  Cooter with a shoudler but Deimos catches him on a springboard move and Deimos with a Fallaway Slam.  Deimos with a forearm to the back.  Deimos with an Irish wip and side slam for a near fall.  Cooter wtih a chop but Deimos with a suplex.

Deimos wtih another suplex and he gets a near fall.  Deimos brings a chair into the ring and he misses.  Cooter with a drop kick into the chair.  Cooter sets the chair up in the ring and he kicks Deimos.  Cooter with a knee drop for a near fall.  Cooter goes for another knee drop and then he misses a triple jump moonsault when Deimos moves.  Deimos avoids a sunset flip and Deimos hits a sit out spinebuster but Cooter kicks out at two.  Cooter escapes a power bomb and hits a drop kick that sends Deimos into the corner.  Cooter goes up top but Deimos hits the ropes to crotch Cooter and Cooter goes into the tree of woe.  

Cooter with a punch to the lower groinal area but he connects with a forearm to the back followed by a power bomb.  Deimos waits for Cooter to get up but Cooter moves and Deimos runs into the turnbuckles.  Deimos with a spear for the three count.

Winner:  Deimos

After the match, Cooter picks up the chair and hits Deimos with it as Deimos goes to the back.

Cooter takes the mic and then he destroys the FIP mobile studio.  He says it is not about who wins and loses.  It is about who wins the wars.  He does not care if he gets fired for what he did to the mobile studio.  He says he could take a dump in the middle of the ring.  He says he can beat anyone at any time.  He got pinned tonight, but it does not matter who wins the battle as long as you win the war.

Match Number Four:  Odinson versus Monster Tarver (with Mister Saint Laurent)

They stand in opposite corners waiting for the other to make the first move.  They circle each other and then they lock up with Odinson sending Tarver to the mat.  They lock up again and Odinson sends Tarver to the mat again.  They lock up one more time and Odinson with a third time to send Tarver to the mat.    Odinson waits for Tarver to make the next move and they lock up.  Odinson gets Tarver on his shoulders but Tarver rakes the eyes.  

They lock up and Tarver with forearms but he misses the 1.9.  Tarver holds up his fist but it does not make Odinson back down.  They lock up and Odinson sends Tarver into the ropes two times.  Tarver with a kick and wrist lock.  Odinson with a reversal.  Tarver backs Odinson into the corner and Tarver with a knee to the midsection.  Tarver wtih an arm bar and forearm to the shoulder.   Tarver backs Odinson into the ropes and Tarver holds on to the wrist lock.  Odinson with a hammer lock but Tarver grabs the hair and backs Odinson into the corner.  Tarver with a knee to the midsection.  Tarver with punches.  Odinson with a drop kick.

Odinson with a kick and knee drop followed by a corkscrew uppercut to the back.  Odinson with a running European uppercut and then he hits an Exploder for a near fall.   Tarver kicks Odinson in the knee.  Odinson backs away from Tarver but Tarver has him cornered.  Tarver kicks the injured knee and he works on the leg.  Tarver tries to hyper-extend the knee and he pulls down the knee pad as he continues to work on the knee.  Tarver with a KneeDT.  Odinson struggles to get back to his feet.  Tarver kicks and punches Odinson and he follows with a chop and more kicks.  Tarver runs his forearm into the back of the head and then he returns to the knee.  

Tarver with an elbow to the head.  Odinson holds his knee as Tarver waits to pounce.  Tarver returns to the knee.  Odinson and Tarver exchange forearms and then Odinson adds European uppercuts to stagger Tarver.  Tarver with a roaring elbow and Odinson goes to the apron.  Tarver runs into a boot from Odinson.  Odinson is able to hit a corkscrew European uppercut from the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Odinson with a kick and he gets Tarver on his shoulders for a moment but he cannot hold up Tarver because of the damage done to his knee.  Odinson and Tarver go to the floor.  Tarver with a shoulder to the knee and Odinson is down on the floor.  Tarver grabs a hammer and the referee warns him.  Tarver hits the ring post when Odinson moves.

They return to the ring and Tarver with the 1.9 for the three count.

Winner:  Monster Tarver

After the match, the referee checks on Odinson while Tarver lays in wait for Odinson.

Match Number Five:  Sammy Guevara versus Jody Kristofferson

Jody runs Sammy into the turnbuckles and connects with a shoulder.  Jody with an Irish whip but Sammy floats over and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Sammy wants a test of strength and Jody obliges.  Sammy wtih kicks and he gets on Jody's shoudlers for a rana.  Sammy with a drop kick and Jody goes to the floor.  Sammy goes for a moonsault but Jody pulls him off the apron.  Jody wtih a forearm and Sammy with a kick. Sammy with a corkscrew moonsault off the apron.  Sammy rolls Jody in and he gets a near fall.  Sammy with a forearm.  

Jody with a clothesline for a near fall.  Jody with a slam and then he hits a back senton for a near fall.  Jody kicks Sammy and connects with a forearm to the back.  Sammy with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Jody with a forearm to the back followed by an elbow drop and he gets a near fall when Sammy grabs the ropes.  Jody with a reverse chin lock.  Sammy with elbows but Jody with a forearm.  Sammy has a punch blocked and Jody connects with a forearm.  Sammy with a drop kick and back elbow.  Sammy with a springboard cross body for a near fall.  Jody catches Sammy and hits a War Pig standing power slam. 

Jody puts Sammy on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex but Sammy with punches and he pushes Jody off.  Sammy wtih a 630 splash but Jody gets his foot on the ropes to stop the count.  Sammy goes to the turnbuckles but Jody stops him and Jody hits Shock Treatment for the three count.

Winner:  Jody Kristofferson

Match Number Six:  Jonny Vandal (with Trina Michaels) versus Teddy Stigma

Trina tries to talk to Teddy before the match starts, but it was a trap that Teddy saw coming and he kicks Vandal in the head.  Stigma with a biel to Vandal and then he does a second one.  Stigma tries for a third and he connects.  Stigma gets Vandal up for a delayed vertical suplex and he hits it after a thirty count.  Stigma with an elbow drop for a near fall.  Vandal with a jaw breaker and Trina give Vandal a chain.  Vandal chokes Teddy and hits a lungblower.  Vandal gets a near fall.  Vandal puts Stigma in the ropes and hits two cross bodies to the back and gets a near fall.  Vandal with a knee drop and then he rakes the face.

Vandal with a chin lock.  Stigma insults Vandal's grooming skills and Vandal with more knees to the back.  Vandal with punches.  Stigma cannot hold up Vandal for an atomic drop.  Vandal with a kick and he gets a near fall.  Vandal with a modified camel clutch and Stigma gets him out of the hold.  Stigma with sole food for and both men are down.  Stigma gets some liquid courage but Vandal with a forearm.  Stigma with a forearm.  They go back and forth.  Vandal has a kick blocked and Stigma with clotheslines.  Stigma with an overhead pump handle suplex for a near fall.  Stigma stretches a little as he sets for a bicycle kick but Vandal moves.  Vandal with super kicks followed by a ushigoroshi and he gets a near fall.  

Vandal tries for a cross body but Stigma catches him and hits a gutbuster as he drops to his knees and Stigma gets a near fall.   Stigma with two boots to the head but Vandal wtih a snap mare and lungblower for a near fall.  Vandal hits Stigma with the chain while Trina distracts the referee but Stigma kicks out.  Vandal hits Stigma with the chain in front of the referee and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner:  Teddy Stigma (by disqualification)

After the match, Teddy comments on the fact that he won by disqualification.  He says he is a No Disqualification Guy.  He has an idea, but maybe it is the shots to the face or the shots of whiskey.  You come out with whips and chains.  Why not step into his world for a No Disqualification Match on July 8th.

On second thought, why not have that match right now?

Vandal goes to the ring steps but the referee tells Trina to get Jonny to the back.

Match Number Seven:  FIP Florida Heritage Championship Match:  Lince Dorado versus Martin Stone (with MSL) versus Aaron Solow versus Donovan Danhausen in an Elimination Match

Stone wtih a clothesline to Danhausen and then Stone throws him out of the ring.  Solow and Dorado with super kicks to Stone.  Dorado with a near fall.  Solow with a drop kick for a near fall.  Dorado wtih a near fall.  Dorado wtih a drop toe hold to Solow and then he sets for a surfboard and Dorado rolls him around the ring.  Dorado release Solow face first into the mat.  Dorado with a head scissors to Solow to send him to the floor.  Stone trips Dorado and pulls him to the floor.  Stone misses a chop and hits the ring post.  Solow teases a dive to the floor and Stone cowers.  Dorado sends Danhausen to the apron.  Donovan with a kick to Dorado and then he takes care of Stone on the floor.  Dorado with a baseball slide to all three men.  Dorado goes up top for aa moonsault onto Donovan and Solow.

Dorado chops Donovan and they get back into the ring.  Dorado gets a near fall and then he kicks and chops Donovan.  Dorado puts Donovan on the turnbuckles and sets for a super rana but Donovan pusehs him off.  Solow with a forearm and he goes upt op.  Solow  is pushed off.  Stone with forearms and he is pushed off.  Solow and Stone go up for a double superplex.  Donovan takes care of both men.  Dorado with a punch from the apron and tthen he hits a springboard super rana that sends Donovan into Solow and Stone for a double clothesline.  Solow with a fallaway slam to Dorado.  Donovan gets a near fall on Solow.

Stone with European uppercuts to Solow but Solow with a forearm.  Stone with a forearm and he tries for a cutter but Solow blocks it.  Solow gets a near fall but Dorado breaks it up.  Dorado with a drop kick to Solow for a near fall.  Dorado kicks and chops Solow.  Dorado with a modified airplane spin into a rollup for a near fall.  Dorado is sent to the apron by Solow but Dorado with a cross body.  Solow goes to the floorand Donovan with a clothesline to Dorado followed by a Northern Lights Suplex.  Donovan with a clothesline to Stone.  Donovan with a Future Shock DDT to Solow and Solow goes to the floor.  Stone with a cutter out of nowhere to Donovan but he rolls to the apron.  

Jason Cade comes out and distracts Solow.  Dorado with a Shooting Star Press to Solow.  Stone wtih kicks and an elevated DDT to eliminate Aaron Solow.

Aaron Solow Eliminated

Dorado with a drop kick to Stone and then he takes care of Donovan.  Dorado with a brainbuster to Stone.  Dorado goes up top and Stone press slams Dorado.  Dorado gets a rollup for a near fall.  Stone with a rollup to pin Dorado.

Lince Dorado eliminated

Donovan with a rollup for a near fall.  Stone with a German suplex followed by an accordian clothesline for a near fall.  Stone slaps Donovan and he wants Donovan to give him his best shot.  Donovan wtih a punch and then Stone with a European uppercut.  Stone sends Donovan into the turnbuckles and chops him.  Stone does the same to a second turnbuckle.  Stone with a pop up powerbomb but Danhausen rolls through for the three count.

Winner:  Donovan Danhausen

After the match, Stone attacks Donovan and he sends Donovan shoulder first into the turnbuckles.  Stone wtih a Fujiwara arm bar on Danhausen.  Officials come to the ring to try to pry Stone off Danhausen, but MSL does his best to stop the smallest referee from getting in the ring.

Stone resumes the attack.

Match Number Eight:  FIP Tag Team Championship Match:  The Hooligans (Mason Cutter and Devin Cutter [with Uncle Leo]) versus The Bravado Brothers (Lancelot Bravado and Harlem Bravado [with Eric Essex])

The Bravados attack before the bell and they work over Mason and Devin.  The Bravados with shoulders from the apron and then Mason and Devin take control.  Devin with punches.  Mason tags in and he connects with shoulders.  Devin tags back in and he connects with elbows.  Devin rakes the back and chest.  Mason tags in and they hit a double slam.  Mason with a moonsault while Devin hits a leg drop from the apron and they get a near fall.  Devin tags back in and he slams Lancelot.  Mason tags in and Devin flips Mason for a senton and he gets a near fall.  Mason wtih a double underhook and Essex distracts Mason.  Harlem with a kick and he tries for a sunset flip but he does not go over.  Lance with a kick and he sends Mason into the turnbuckles.  Harlem tags in and he connects with a forearm to Mason's back.  

Harlem stomps on Mason's hand and Lancelot comes in and he sends Mason into the turnbuckles.  Harlem and Lancelot double team Mason.  Harlem with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.  Devin comes in and the referee sends him into teh corner as Harlem connects with elbow drops.  Lancelot tags in and applies a quarter nelson and chin lock.  Mason with punches but Lancelot wtih a knee.  Lancelot with another knee and he tags in Harlem.  They connect with a double team move and a double elbow drop.  Devin comes in and the Bravados take advantage of the referee's focus on Devin.  Lancelot with knees to the back.  Devin punches Lancelot and Harlem comes in and stomps on Mason's chest.

Mason blocks a suplex attempt and Mason with a suplex of his own and both men are down.  Essex pulls Devin off the apron and then Leo goes after Essex.  Mason with a back body drop to Harlem and Devin is tagged in.  Devin with clotheslines and he slams Lancelot and hits a splash on Harlem for a near fall.  Devin and Mason with splashes and cannonballs into the corner for a near fall on Harlem.  Mason holds Harlem but Harlem kicks Devin.  Harlme with a forearm to Masonand an Exploder of Devin into Mason in the corner.  Harlem gets a near fall.  Harlem kicks Mason and sends Devin to the floor.  Harlem is triped and Lance is put in a backslide for a near fall.  Devin with a sunset flip for a naer fall.  The referee is hit when Lancelot sends Mason into the corner.

Lancelot with a clothesline and then he gets the title belts and brings them into the ring.  Leo grabs Lancelot and Harlem with a bicycle kick.  Lancelot hits Devin and a referee comes into the ring but Devin kicks out.  The referee takes the belt from Lancelot.  Harlem with a super kick to referee number two.  Referee one recovers and calls for the bell.

No Contest

After the match, The Hooligans wants five minute alone and they want a No Disqualification Match.  The Bravados take the mic and Harlem says they want No Disqualification and five more minutes.  They will do it on one condition.  Then three versus you three so he can kick that old man's ass.

Essex goes into the ring and Lancelot and Harlem leave so Essex is pinned.

Match Number Nine:  FIP World Heavyweight Championship Match: Caleb Konley versus Fred Yehi

Caleb has something to say to Fred before locking up and he pushes Fred.  Fred pushes back.  They lock up and they go around the ring.  Fred pushes Caleb and Caleb slaps Fred.  Fred with a chop and forearm.  Caleb with a forearm and chop.  Caleb with a snap mare and kick for a near fall.  Caleb with a reverse chin lock.  Yehi with a shoudler tackle but he misses a stomp.  Caleb with a take down and a front face lock.  Caleb with a cross face to Yehi.  Yehi with a chop.  Caleb wtih a forearm to the back.  Fred stomps on Caelb's hand and trips him.  Yehi with a boot to the chest.  Yehi wtih a chop.  Yehi with a snap mare and stomp to the leg.  Yehi with a drop kick for a near fall.

Yehi wtih a modified stump puller to the leg as he puts Konley in a pretzel like formation.  Yehi with punches to the knee but Caleb rakes the eyes.  Yehi with a boot to Konley's leg.  Yehi with a back elbow for a near fall.  Yehi trips Caleb.  Yehi avoids forearms and a leg sweep but Caleb drop kicks Yehi off the apron.  Konley with a forearm to the back.  Konley starts to work on the leg and then he stomps on the leg and stands on it in the corner.

Konley wtih a knee to the ribs.  Konley continues to work on the leg and the referee warns him.  Konley with a forearm in the ropes.  Konley with a slam and he gets a near fall.  Yehi with punches but Konley with a leg sweep for a near fall.  Konley with a body scissors.   Yehi with elbows to get out of the hold.  Caleb with a back rake.  Yehi sends Caleb to the apron.  Konley drops Yehi on the top rope and then Konley lands on his feet on a double jump moonsault attempt.  Yehi with a suplex and both men are down. 

Yehi with an elbow and then he sends Konley into the turnbuckles.  Yehi with a forearm to the arm and a drop kick to the knee.  Yehi stomps on the ankle.  Yehi with a German suplex and both men are down.  Yehi with a power bomb for a near fall.  Yehi stomps on the hand.  Yehi works on the arm and then he chops Konley.  Yehi stomps on the foot but misses a discus forearm.  Konley with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.  Konley with a single leg crab.  Yehi blocks a kick and falls onto Konley's foot.  Yehi with a waist lock and discus forearm for a near fall.  Konley with a back fist and Regalplex for a near fall.

Konley gets Yehi on his shoudlers but Yehi rolls through for a near fall.  Konley with a Cradle Shock but Yehi kicks out at two.  Konley with a chop in the corner and Konley puts Yehi on the turnbuckles.  Yehi with a kick and a rollup.  Konley with an Alabama Slam into the turnbuckles and then he puts Yehi on the turnbuckles.  Yehi escapes the Super Cradle Shock and hits a Flatline into the Koji Clutch and Konley taps out.

Winner:  Fred Yehi

This concludes the FIP Accelerate 2016 coverage.

It is now time for the Kaiju Big Battel portion of the match.

Kaiju Big Battel Fighto:  Gambling Bug and Unicorn Party versus The Iron Brothers [Fist and Claw (with Dr. Cube)]

Claw and Fist go afer Bug and Unicorn Party.  Claw continues to work over Bug while Unicorn has Fist in the corner.  Unicorn Party is power bombed onto a building while Bug is double teamed in the corner.  Fist uses a building on Bug and Claw gets a near fall.  Fist and Claw turn attention to Unicorn Party.  Unicorn attacks Claw while Fist works over Bug.  Unicorn with a double sledge from the turnbuckles.  Unicorn with an uppercut and Fist loses his head.  Bug with a splash to Claw.  Fist returns to the ring and Bug with a uranage to Claw while Unicorn with a drop toe hold to Fist and they are in an uncomfortable position.  Unicorn with an Earthquake splash for the three count.

Winners:  Unicorn Party and Gambling Bug

Thank you for following's coverage of FIP Accelerate 2016.

Full Impact Pro Wrestling returns to Gods and Monsters on Friday, July 8, 2016 for Declaration of Independents 2016.





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