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In the time since Hideo Itami has been out, there has been a substantial number of big name TNA/Japan/indy guys joining NXT, in particular Nakamura, who in such a short time has already surpassed Itami in popularity and potential. With all these guys around now, and with very little mention of Itami in recent months, are you concerned that Itami will get lost in the shuffle when he returns?
I think he will be fine. The injury may have been something of a blessing in disguise as he was having some issues acclimating to WWE and now he has gotten time to observe the process. He is extremely talented. I think he will be fine.
I've been glad to see the new call-ups to the WWE main roster given a decent chance to succeed. The WWE was handed a piece of bad luck that may well turn out to be good luck with Enzo's injury giving Big Cass a chance at a singles run which has seen him getting impressive reactions which makes it look like the big Edge lookalike just might be the future Main Event face the WWE has been craving for the last few years. Assuming Enzo recovers well he will get a big pop on his return and they will get a nice Tag Team run to season the big guy before pushing him too hard. The question is - How exactly will WWE creative (ie: Vince) screw this one up? Sorry to sound cynical but experience has taught me to expect it from them. Cass looks like a no miss prospect but with the WWE we all now how that sadly normally ends up (see Jack Swagger) so what exactly do you think they will do to ruin this one? (or hopefully avoid doing)?
I can’t say I blame you for your cynicism, especially after seeing how many talents they have used badly. I don’t dwell in the negative though. I think going down that road is bad karma. I am always hoping that the switch will be flipped and change will happen. As for Cass, the best thing is that he is really showing great progress and I think that bodes well for his future.
The Adam Rose character in NXT was new, fresh, and something we had never seen before, especially his entrance. He was way over with the fans and definitely caught my interest as a long time fan who has seen it all in the business. Yet something was lost when he came up to the main roster. What do you think changed which caused his character to so rapidly fizzle out that he was forced to change his character? Do you think that one mistake right off the bat was changing his original theme music, which was incredible and just perfect for his character?
I honestly think it is more a case of some gimmicks just don’t transfer well to big venues. In an intimate setting with largely the same audience, which he had in NXT, that gimmick really worked. They watched it grow and were a part of it. When it came to WWE, in bigger buildings, it would have needed to really be introduced and allowed to germinate. When it wasn’t, it didn’t work.
Can former talents like Damien Sandow still sign his autograph in that name? Say, he appears under his own name and I show up with a Sandow action figure for him to sign, what can he do?
Technically, I guess he can’t, but I don’t know how much WWE would go after him for doing it. I wouldn’t think WWE would have a problem with him signing that name to their action figure. By the way, you can get all of your wrestling action figures from our good friends at
There's the old saying that ends with "but family cannot be helped" and I was just wondering, has there has been any heat from WWE on Dolph Ziggler due to his brother being arrested for murder?
None that I have heard, and frankly there shouldn’t be. He is not his brother’s keeper.
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