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By Dave Scherer on 2016-05-11 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

Dave, I understand your point about not wanting to boo Roman. I understand he works hard, is doing what he is told and many of us in his position would do the same thing. But tell me, how else are fans going to voice our displeasure with the way he's being booked?

Honestly? It’s no different that any other business. The best way to do it is to not spend money on the WWE product. What all of the fans don’t realize is that Vince wants reactions to the guys. He would rather you cheer Roman but if you boo him loudly, that is OK too because you are reacting. Plus, you are spending significant money to go to his shows to do it. He has you reacting, so he is happy. If you sat on your hands and didn’t make any noise or react, that has a better chance of sending a message than booing, especially with a guy whose history is on doubling down when fans reject what he presents them.  

You often comment that Vince has the final word in the WWE. Who calls the shots in TNA?? Dixie??

Vince micro manages far more than Dixie does, but yes the buck stops with her in TNA.

With women's division becoming pretty deep on a talent pool, yet only 1 real story line going on, would you think it would be a good idea to bring in a tag team title? So many more women could be involved in story lines that mean something rather than be crammed into meaningless 6-8 women tag matches?

I don’t think that is the way to go. I think it makes more sense to focus on developing the characters and building them up, they way they do with the men. There is no reason that we should only have the champ and whoever she is wrestling in the only singles program on the show.

Two questions regarding Byron Saxton: 1) Despite being a former wrestler and showing disgust towards the actions of heels like Kevin Owens, Charlotte and her father Ric Flair, why is he cowardly when it comes to heels harassing him both verbally and physically; and 2) Is it true that he adds nothing to the commentary table?

He is doing what creative wants him to do. He has a role and is playing it. As for your second question that is a matter of opinion so I won’t state anything as if it’s fact.

Mike had is look at the Developmentally Speaking series and what stuck out to me were two names that are currently under WWE contracts, Luke Gallows and Tomasso Ciampa. I am sure someone from WWE will at least hear what was said by both men, how do you think WWE will react and how will it affect both men?

People say things all the time after leaving a company. Cooler heads usually prevail over time and sides do business again when it makes sense. That is how I see this situation.

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

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