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By Dave Scherer on 2016-04-25 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

In an effort to make the fans like Roman do you think The Bullet Club will reform and attack him at the pay per view, turning AJ Styles?

I think if WWE does that, it’s ill advised. Given the recent reactions that Reigns has gotten, I see the fans cheering if your scenario were to happen.

It's a pity that TNA seem to be in a bad way financially because I believe their product is as good as it's ever been at the moment. They have a great selection of wrestlers and some excellent story lines. Do you feel that there is any way forward for them as it stands??

Honestly, if things stay as they are, with Dixie Carter in charge, I just don’t see it turning around. She has had over a decade with the product and all we have seen, after a solid period of growth years ago, is gradual decline. I think TNA needs an influx of both money and a change at the top. I respect that she has kept the company running as long as she has, but at the end of the day change is needed now for TNA.

As a British wrestling fan, we only really have the two choices to watch on TV, WWE on Sky or TNA on Challenge. If TNA was to go under, do you think that would ROH look at filling that gap on Challenge TV and give UK television a viable alternative to Vince??

I think that they would definitely look into it if the slot became available, and Challenge would probably come to them as well.

I've been selling off my wrestling memorabilia recently, it for me thinking.  Do you guys own any memorabilia?  Whats the most unique item you have?

I am not a collector, of anything really. I am a live for today and look to tomorrow kind of person. My office looks nothing like Vince Russo’s or Taz’s.

Wrestlemania ran 6+ hours this year...  How do the announcers go to the bathroom?  I guess this applies to any of their live TV show.

The way the rest of us do, with their junk! Seriously, Cole and company are only out there for four of the hours. They can hold it. Beyond that, I have never asked. But I have been to enough events to know that the announcers can hold it, unless they are sick. I know back in the ECW PPV days, I sat at the broadcast position for the website for well over four hours and didn’t need to hit the head.

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

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