Is anyone else offended by WWE suddenly acknowledging Chyna after she died? She was persona non grata for over a decade. Now that she can't badmouth them, they can call her a pioneer?
I can see your point for sure and I am certain there are others who feel exactly like you do. The reality is that with her passing, WWE was in a no win situation. If they ignored it, especially since it was such a mainstream media story, they would have come off absolutely terrible as a company.
The reality is she was a pioneer and did help popularize female characters in pro wrestling in the 1990s and did break a LOT of ground. However, the reality is also that a really sensitive, complicated personal issue led to the end of her run and she never recovered from it personally (from my perspective) and she did a lot of things that were accusatory (and according to some, outright lied about others) and had a lot of controversial personal decisions in her life from that point on.
WWE wasn't going to put themselves into a position where they spotlighted that behavior. Obviously, that could come back to bite them in the rear end. They have to acknowledge her passing now. The entire situation is a strange, awkward one, but that's at times, that is life.
Mike wrote that Chyna saw Triple H and tried to apologize to him at the Piper funeral - but what was she apologizing for?
She had just, a few weeks earlier, claimed that he assaulted her during a podcast interview, something he immediately released a statement for saying it never happened. That comment was made in response to HHH saying she deserved to be in the WWE Hall of Fame but didn't know if she could be because of her decision to make adult films, noting he wouldn't have wanted his daughters to learn about her via WWE and then google her and find that material. She had made a number of accusations against WWE and others there, stemming from the fact that Triple H left her for Stephanie McMahon. She felt she lost her career because of that personal situation. There were a lot of angry comments thrown around over the years. I think by the time she saw HHH at the funeral, she just wanted to be back with WWE in some fashion and get past what had happened, so she apologized to him for all the chaos that came from her actions and statements. All of that may have happened at some point and she would have gotten her closure, but it's sadly never going to happen now.
Do you think WWE will acknowledge her death on Raw?
Yes. They have to at least put up a graphic but really, there should be a video package. She deserves it.
Do we know whether WWE ever offered Chyna the same rehab services that they offer all their other talents?
There's no way to know whether they ever offered, or if she even asked for help. It's possible they sent her to rehab and it was never publicly disclosed. There are talents who have gone multiple times and there are talents who have asked for help and then changed their mind, who's names never come out publicly. Unless WWE or Chyna's estate publicly disclose that information, all we can do is speculate.
Why was Chyna the "Ninth Wonder" if there are only seven?
Andre the Giant was billed as the "Eighth Wonder of the World" so they were playing off of that.
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