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Any idea on what they’re doing with Ambrose? The dude had a lot of momentum but then they just killed it at WrestleMania. I know it looks like he's facing Jericho next, but kind of seems pointless now.
I really wish I knew the answer. I thought they should have had Dean beat Brock Lesnar and get the rub. With that win, WWE could have seen what they had in him as a top guy. Instead they had him lose pretty easily and I think it hurt his momentum. They would counter that they can get him hot whenever they choose to but I tend to believe that the fans pay attention to what they are presented and over time, the booking adds up and affects how people perceive the character.
Was it me or did Wrestlemania seem flat. I would have like to have seen some the NXT talent in the battle royal and instead of HBK, Cactus Jack and Stone Cold, beating up the League of Nations, why not Finn Balor, Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows? It just seems that WWE missed the boat on this one.
We have heard from a lot of people that felt as you did about WrestleMania. I commend the talent on their great work ethic because it was definitely present all evening, but the booking, on the whole, was not satisfying. The stories are vital to the product and when they are lacking, it hurts the overall show. I also agree that there was too much reliance on the past. I get why they do it, for the once a year people that watch Mania. But the perfect counter is if they were creating new stars on a regular basis, perhaps you could get those people to watch more often.
Do you know if WWE plan on adding episodes of Velocity and Sunday Night Heat to the network? And do you see a place for Saturday Night’s Main Event nowadays?
Second question first, nope. That show mattered back in the day because big, first run matches rarely aired on TV. Now, we get five hours a week of them. SNME is done for that reason. As for Heat and Velocity, they own the footage but I don’t see them rushing to spend the time to make it Network ready when, in essence, they are B and C shows.
Great coverage of Wrestlemania as always. After seeing how the public reacted to Roman Reigns vs Triple H, they decide to make AJ Styles the number one contender? Are they now actively trying to antagonize the audience? Or are they trying to create a new Rock from a Rocky Maivia?
Thank you. Much appreciated. Honestly, as I watched the main event unfold and they went ahead with putting Roman over as a babyface, I was surprised. I expected some kind of heel turn. Maybe that will happen tonight. If not, I see it as they know the fans will boo the guy that they are pushing as a babyface so they will put him in with a babyface and let him get booed. Think about that for a minute. If it makes sense to you, please explain it to me!
Although he is quite talented, Tyler Breeze has become the closest thing the main roster has to an old school jobber, losing in just about every match he is in. I personally like his gimmick, but do you think his gimmick has just not gotten over well with Vince McMahon or the majority of the fans?
I think it’s pretty clear that Breeze has not gotten over with Vince McMahon given the way that he has been used. If you don’t get over with Vince, you don’t usually get a chance to get over with the fans. That is what has happened to Breeze.
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