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Given how the past winners have been booked, and the fact that it's been relegated to the pre-show, why should we care about the Andre the Giant battle royal?
I have no good answer.
Is it just me or the fact that they announced who is going to be on each show with a week notice kinda kills the “shock” effect of watching RAW?
I like surprises too but keep in mind that the audience wasn’t exactly exploding leading into WrestleMania. WWE has to think about their relationship with USA, and also about getting people to the Network for Mania. So I get why they do it.
There seems to be a question whether Roman-HHH or Undertaker-Shane should end Wrestlemania in order to send the fans home happy. Why not Brock-Dean? Dean and Brock are both popular and while the match may not have a main event feel compared to a Hell in the Cell match or a title match, Dean and Brock could have a great, great match that could end out Wrestlemania with a bang.
From a logic standpoint, the most important match should go on last. Usually, that is the WWE Title match. In this case, I think the rights to Raw trumps it so it should go on last. Dean and Brock isn’t for anything so it is third from the top.
I do appreciate that Shane McMahon is putting in an effort to get in better shape considering all those years furiously pulling at his baggy tops to cover his figure. However, rather than all the Muay Thai training, since this is pro wrestling rather than MMA, shouldn't he learn how to throw better punches? The ones he does right now look like they wouldn't break through the foam on top of a cappuccino.
Well, yeah he should. I feel bad for Taker having to sell those in the build up to Mania.
In an interview with the Orlando Sentinel Roman Reigns makes a particular comment that he doesn’t perform for grown men and 30 year olds at kids shows such as WWE. He is very close to saying grown men shouldn’t really be watching and almost laughing at the ones that do. Surely WWE cannot be happy with this?
Why would WWE be upset? They themselves make it clear that they have a PG rating. By definition, they aren’t marketing to grown men! He was towing the company line. Obviously, WWE wants everyone watching that wants to do so, but they don't market to adults anymore.
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