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What are your thoughts on the verdict of the Hogan vs Gawker trial? How can they justify awarding Hogan that amount of money? Any and all of his business agreements and contracts at the time of the video release wouldn't even add up to probably a quarter of that amount. Nor would he have made that amount of money in the rest of his life under those deals or "potential" deals.
First off, I think Hogan deserved to win the trial. He never gave Gawker permission to run the tape and it was recorded without his consent. I never found it to be newsworthy, which was Gawker's claim. With that said, I agree that the amount he was awarded is way too big. Erin Andrews suffered far more real damage than Hogan, in my opinion, and she got less than half of what Hogan did. I too don't think there is any chance he would have come close to making that money had he not been wronged, but I am glad for him that he was able to get it.
Now that the Hogan trial is over, do you see him returning to WWE any time soon? Or do you think WWE will wait a while for the heat to die down some more?
I think it's still way too soon. And who knows if more things from the tale will come out. For now, WWE needs to keep their distance from Hogan.
Since 2012, Chicago has gotten either Extreme Rules or Payback and this year is no exception (this year's Payback). The last time that Chicago has hosted a PPV other than Extreme Rules and Payback was the 2011 Money In The Bank PPV which got rave reviews. Is there a reason for this?
Not that I have heard, no. I wouldn't be shocked if the CM Punk factor were in play, since the company tried to avoid getting shows hijacked, but that is just a gut feeling, not a fact.
Not to discredit what Hulk Hogan did for modern day wrestling when it was at a sink or swim point; has the Rock surpassed Hogan in terms of becoming an all around entertainment icon? Or maybe the better question is, has the Rock set the new standard for what a wrestler can become? For a couple of years now he has been one of if not the top grossing stars in Hollywood both in box office numbers and earnings, a vibrant production company, and an extremely successful and critically acclaimed series on HBO. Not to mention that he's done all of these things on top of his HOF wrestling career and he is only 43.
I don't even think it's a discussion. Hogan is an all time icon, but Rock has become one of the top stars in Hollywood. He is now the standard everyone else in the business can try and achieve.
My question is does TNA have a network service where I might be able to view all their episodes since their debut on Pop.
Your best bet is to go to their Youtube page at:
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