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By Mike Johnson on 2016-03-16 10:10:00

Drew Galloway captured the TNA championship last night as a surprise finish to last night's Impact Wrestling on Pop.  It was an excellent segment and surprise and easily the biggest win of Galloway's career, but also one that almost didn't happen.  Galloway was coming in from Florida from Germany and had one of the worst travel days ever and for part of the day, there was concern he wasn't going to get back to the States in time.  Luckily, things worked out and he made it in time.  Matt Hardy did a great job on last night's show as a heel setting things up for Galloway later in the night.  In a lot of ways, the last few months have been some of Hardy's most inspired work in years.

TNA will be taping another round of Impact Wrestling material tonight at Universal Studios Orlando.

TNA will be taping an all Knockouts One Night Only PPV this week and there should be some new faces popping up to work that PPV.

For the MANY who asked, I have no idea whether the Jeremy Borash addition to the commentary team is a permanent move, but in my opinion it should be.  Borash was nothing short of excellent last night and brought a lot of new life into the TNA call.  I know some people like to bag on Josh Mathews' work but he's actually very good.  I think the Matthews/Pope dynamic doesn't really click.  In a lot of ways, Pope would be better suited to be a talker for some talents who don't have a good gift for gab.

It's pretty obvious from his recent promos that Abyss has found a new confidence as a talker as the leader of Decay.  He's really doing some great work right now in that regard.


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