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By Paul Crockett on 2016-12-30 22:14:00

Top Rope Promotions

“Spindle City Rumble”

December 30, 2016

Fall River, Massachusetts

MATCH ONE: Fatal Four Way - #1 Contender for the TRP Interstate Title – Chris Escobar v. Kenway v. Dynamite Danny Miles v. Slyck Wagner Brown

This one was an endless string of one-on-one matchups in the ring that didn’t last long.  Think of is as a lucha tag with people coming in and out of the ring, exchanging holds, then someone else comes in.  Brown is a long time veteran of the New England independent scene who was originally trained by Killer Kowalski.  Kenway, who probably weighs about 120 pounds, would occasionally drop in with top rope double foot stomps and hurricanranas for his offense.  The finish saw Brown hit a torture rack TKO to score the win.  Decent opener.  This building is REALLY loud, so it makes for a great atmosphere.

WINNER: Slyck Wagner Brown

MATCH TWO: TRP Interstate Championship – Franky Vain (c) v. Nico Silva

Apparently The Warlord and Road Warrior Animal had a baby and named it Franky Vain.  What an outfit.  Silva, who won last month’s Kowalski Cup, clearly has a very loyal following in the building.

Lots of headlocks and armdrags early on, with Silva showing some great athleticism in his counters and reversals.  From there, he was on the hard sell as Vain got to heat on him for an eventual comeback.  His selling and offense needs some work, but he has natural charisma that he can definitely build upon.

As Nico was going up top to go for a big move, Chuck O’Neil ran to the ring, hit the top rope and hit a huge top rope overhead belly to belly suplex to end the match in a DQ.  Silva and O’Neil had a pull apart brawl from that point that leads into their grudge match in January.  Good build and a good job by both in the pull apart.

WINNER: Nico Silva by DQ – no title change

MATCH THREE: Veda Scott & Miss Belmont v. Luscious Latasha & Skylar

Babyfaces ran wild very early, but Scott & Belmont turned it around to get the heat on Skylar with quick tags and lots of dirty tactics.  Skylar did a lot of selling an would occasionally show hope with a sunset flip or something else, but would get cut off. 

There seemed to be a legit miscommunication on what would have been the spot where Scott accidentally hit Belmont, as no one got hit then Skylar just sort of slid away for the hot tag.  From there, the match seemed to lose all wind.  Scott eventually rolled up Latasha and used the ropes to score the win. This was unfortunate as the match was going really well up until the end.

WINNERS: Veda Scott & Miss Belmont

MATCH FOUR: TRP Heavyweight Championship – Teddy Goodz (c) v. JT Dunn

Dunn went to jump Goodz before the bell and missed.  They spilled to the floor, where a couple of the regular fans held JT to allow Goodz to hit a huge chop, then a flying cross body block that got the crowd wild.  They brawled all around the building, which included Dunn taking some wild bumps, to send the crowd into a froth.

JT went on the attack in the rung and spent the rest of the match getting the crowd to rally behind Goodz as he sold.  Lots of nearfalls for Dunn as each one got the crowd more invested.  By the time the ref got bumped at the end, the crowd was nuclear.  Kudos to both guys for that.

Goodz looked to have things finished with a straightjacket stunner, but as I mentioned, the ref was laid out.  Dunn hit the Death By Elbow when another ref came out but it was a two count and the crowd exploded.  Dunn argued with the second ref then laid hit out with a Roaring Elbow.  Goodz went for a tope to the floor but Dunn was waiting with a chair to the head in what looked scary.  Dunn rolled in, went for the pin, but Goodz kicked out and the crowd somehow got louder.  Goodz and Dunn went back and forth before Goodz hit a Canadian Destroyer for the win, and by the reaction and sound of the crowd, you would have thought the Rock N Roll Express just beat the Midnights in 1986.  An incredible performance from both men that I would highly recommend.

WINNER: Teddy Goodz


MATCH FIVE: Spindle City Rumble – Winner is #1 Contender to TRP Heavyweight Title

This is a Royal Rumble match with 30 entrants.  Tag Team Champions The Closers (Hammer Tunis & Brad Hollister) entered at #1 and #2.  Instead of turning on each other, they let the 90 seconds run down and went after #3 who was Wildman Kongo.  They tried to get him in their side, but he instead went after them.  Good, unique start to the match.

This was your typical Rumble for the most part.  Too much going on to write down here.  Notable entrants: “Kingpin” Brian Milonas, “Brutal” Bob Evans, “Cold Steel” Chuck O’Neil and Slyck Wagner Brown.  When Milonas entered he eliminated a few people in dominant fashion right away.  There was an insane spot where Kenway leaped from the balcony into the ring and took a few people out.  O’Neil and Silva went at it as part of their storyline from earlier.

The final five were: Wildman Kongo, Chuck O’Neil, Nico Silva, Brian Milonas & Chris Escobar.  After being eliminated, Franky Vain and “Devil’s Reject” Brandon Webb brought a table into the ring.  They set it up in the corner, then hit a double hip toss on Kongo that put him through it.  It was dangerous because he didn’t get all the way over.

O’Neil looked to eliminate Escobar.  Kongo was out on his feet and Milonas was dragging him up.  Milonas went to eliminate him, but Kongo reversed and eliminated Kingpin.  Silva then snuck up behind Kongo and tossed him out.  From there, it was the continuing feud between O’Neil and Silva.  O’Neil and Silva were battling it out on the apron when Escobar, who either didn’t get eliminated or just avoided the refs, came back in and pushed them both off the apron to win.  Good finish to continue the feud between O’Neil and Silva and also set up a title challenger.

WINNER: Chris Escobar

Escobar got on the mic and ran down Teddy Goodz and challenged him for the next show in Brockton.

Overall, a fun show that is fun for families and also has a great atmosphere.  The title match between Goodz and Dunn is definitely something you should go out of your way to see.  Thanks for reading!

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