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By Mike Johnson on 2014-02-11 18:51:37
Well, the last thing I expected was to file the second edition of The Indy Landscape 24 hours later.  I want to thank everyone who sent feedback and positive responses to the idea.   Again, anyone or any promotion that wishes to send along news, notes, results, lineups, etc. are invited to email me at As I said, my hope is to do a few of these a week, but we'll see how that works out. 

OMEGA, the promotion Matt and Jeff Hardy initially ran in North Carolina when they were breaking into the business, will be running another event on 2/22.  Much like more recent events using the name, Shane "Hurricane" Helms is the point person and the show is being run to raise money for a good cause.  On 2/22, OMEGA will run to raise money for the Autism Society of NC with "Loco in Joco" in Smithfield, NC at .  Set to appear is Jeff Hardy in a rare independent appearance, Matt Hardy, CW Anderson, Helms, Jayme Jameson, Jake Manning, Chris Escobar, Arik Royal and more.  The cast of "Lizard Lick Towing" from Tru TV will also be appearing at the show.  For more details, visit  Matt Hardy and Hurricane Helms released a promo about the event, which you can check out in the embedded video below:

As we reported on earlier today, Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks suffered a broken hand and several broken fingers on the final day of the New Japan Pro Wrestling tour that just ended.  The injury sucks to be sure, but one would think will also have a ripple effect on The House of Glory return to Ridgewood, NY at their training center this Saturday 2/15, where AJ Styles and The Amazing Red were slated to wrestle The Bucks in the main event at the HOG Training Academy.  Anthony Gangone vs. Jigsaw and CHIKARA champion Eddie Kingston are advertised for that event.  The Academy is an awesome, intimate venue.  For more, visit

Unfortunately, we have another broken hand to report.  Former NWA champion Adam Pearce is slated to find out later today if he's going to require surgery.  Pearce broke his hand at some point during a Street Fight on Sunday 2/9 at the Championship Wrestling from Hollywood TV Taping, defeating James Morgan.  As someone who's undergone hand surgery several times, I am really feeling for both Pearce and Jackson.  Steven Ronquillo, who covered the CWH taping here on the site, said the Street Fight was "amazing."  Others who worked the taping included Willie Mack, Matt Striker and Shelly Martinez.  Speaking of CWH, promoter Dave Marquez was spotted at the WWE Raw taping last night.

WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler returned to the ring on Saturday 2/8 for Maryland Championship Wrestling in at the Joppatowne Market Place in Joppatowne, MD for the promotion's anniversary show, which drew in the area of 700-800.  Lawler pinned Shawn Patrick in a bout that actually featured a spot where Patrick came off the ropes with a fistdrop (one of Lawler's hallmarks) to Lawler's heart for a near fall that set up the big babyface comeback.   Lawler hit a piledriver on Patrick's manager Tara after the bout.  Mickie James vs. Angelina Love turned into a tag match when special referee Jessie Kaye sided with Love, leading to Renee Michelle hitting the ring to help Mickie.  They did a tag bout where the finish was Michelle hitting Kaye with a bodypress to score the pin.  That was actually a smart way to get out of having one of the "name" women lose the fall.  MCW champion Christian York headlined, defeating Cobian.  The promotion returns on 3/22 with Jake Roberts, Kelly Kelly and Colt Cabana appearing.  For more, visit

CHIKARA announced yesterday that their Wrestlefactory training academy would be moving back into the former ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA with classes starting on 3/1.

Sheldon Goldberg's New England Championship Wrestling ran the Cove Center in Beverly, MA on Saturday 3/8, headlined by Slyck Wagner Brown winning a Three Way for the NECW title, defeating Antonio Thomas and Sean Burke.  Paul Richards, the former WWF and ECW referee, who is the general manager here, was the guest referee.  Other results from the show saw Jeremy Prophet & Genesis defeated Asylum & Brad Hollister, Mikey Webb & Johnny Thunder defeat Mike McCarthy & Beau Douglas, The End defeated Tim Lennox & Brandino Davis, Alexis Neveah pinned Sammi Lane, and Dirty Money pinned Damian Wayne in a bout sent by NWA DAWG.  NECW tv airs weekly in The Boston, MA market over the air on WMFP TV, Channel 62.  I regularly watch the 30 minute show on Youtube and feel like they are onto something here.

Absolute Intense Wrestling (AIW) ran returned to Turners Hall in Cleveland, OH for their latest event, titled "TGIF" on Friday 2/7.  This was, as usual, a loaded card with lots of names from across the indy spectrum.   Michael Elgin retained the AIW championship in the main event, defeating Drake Younger.  Kevin Steen beat Ethan Page via disqualification when Seleziya Sparx returned to the promotion and nailed Steen with a low blow.  Steen ended up giving her a Package Piledriver.  They did a hardcore match where Tim Donst, who is a really good heel and is more of a traditional wrestler, defeated Danny Havoc in a fans Bring The Weapons bout.  Donst challenged Eddie Kingston to face him on the next show.  AIW Women's champion Allysin Kay defeated Veda Scott to retain her belt.  Scott suffered a discloated kneecap during the match but still finished it and even did a scheduled angle.  That angle saw Gregory Iron, who has been wanting to take their relationship from professional and platonic to something more, approached Scott about it (in public, which is always a GREAT idea) and she attacked him.   They later on did a match where Leah Von Dutch defeated Kay for the Women's championship after Von Dutch defeated Eric Ryan and Ricky Shane Page in a bout where the winner received a AIQ contract.  The idea here was that guest referee The Duke fast counted when Von Dutch got the pin, so there was some chicanery going on.  Duke then demanded she get a title shot due to her undefeated record.  Kay obliged, being the fighting champion, but was attacked by Duke and pinned by Von Dutch.  Not a good night for the women in AIW, except Von Dutch.  Kyle O'Reilly worked the show as well, losing to Bobby Beverly.  Others who appeared were Colin Olsen (aka WWE ECW's Colin Delaney), Matt Cross, Tyson Dux, Flip Kendrik and more.  The promotion returns on 3/14 with Kingston vs. Donst, ACH, Andrew Everett and The Batiri appearing for "Gauntlet for the Gold 9."  For more, visit

Speaking of Donst, he wrote on Facebook last week that he would no longer be working with CHIKARA or any of their Wrestling Is... satellite promotions.

Jerry Jarrett was in attendance over the weekend at The ASW House of Pain event in Lewisburg, TN.  The Rock N' Roll Express and Bill Dundee both worked the show.  Dundee, at 70, is still working a pretty busy schedule in the South.

Mike Lombardi's Northeast Wrestling has a pair of shows set for the Hudson Valley Region of New York next month.  On 3/15, NEW will be running Bethany Town Hall in Bethany, CT with Matt Taven vs. Bobby Fish and AJ Cruise vs. Jeff Starr with the stip that Starr has to have his hand tied behind his back.  Taven will be managed by Kasey Ray, who has really grown as a performer in the last year.   On 3/28, they are running their 18th Wrestlefest event in Waterbury, CT.  Wrestlefest has been the promotion's biggest show of the year since it launched in the mid 1990s.  Set for this year's edition is AJ Styles vs. Matt Hardy in their first bout since Styles returned to the independents, Reby Sky vs. Velvet Sky for the first time ever I believe, plus appearances from Jerry Lawler and Vader.  For more information, visit

Hardcore Roadtrip is Canada is said to be locking in dates through the summer for live events, so it appears they will be running on a more regular basis.

NWA Southern All Star Wrestling will be running a 7th Anniversary show on 2/14 in Millersville, TN at The SAWMill Arena.  Wolfie D has been working for them of late.

Thanks to Jess McGrath, Thomas Rude, Steven Ronquillo, Brian Cannon, Jeff Amdur, Mike Minadeo, David Jakielo, Lekisha Oliver and everyone else.

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