Match Number One: Justin Gabriel versus Hunico with Camacho
They lock up and Gabriel works on the wrist and Hunico gets to the ropes. They lock up again and Hunico with a waist lock but Gabriel with a take down but Hunico with a head scissors and Gabriel gets away. They lock up again and Hunico with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Gabriel with a monkey flip or two.
Hunico sends Gabriel to the apron and Gabriel with a forearm and a springboard cross body for a near fall. Hunico with kicks to Gabriel and then he sends him into the turnbuckles. Hunico with a chop but Gabriel returns fire. Hunico with another chop and then he sends Gabirle into the turnbuckles and chops him. Hunico charges into the corner but Gabriel leaps over Hunico and Hunico goes into the ring post.
Gabriel leaps over Camacho and hits a rana on Hunico and it takes out the camera man. Gabriel with a forearm to Hunico and then he sends Hunico back into the ring. Camacho gets in Gabriel’s face and that distraction allows Hunico to recover but Gabirel with a shoulder and sunset flip for a near fall followed by a rollup for another one.
Hunico with a kick to the chest and Hunico gets a near fall. We go to commercial.
We are back and Gabriel with a sunset flip for a near fall. Hunico with another kick to Gabriel’s head and Hunico with a rear chin lock. Gabriel with elbows but Hunico with a knee. Gabriel with a drop kick to Hunico when Hunico tries to send Gabriel high into the air. Gabriel with kicks to Hunico. Gabriel with a forearm and back heel kick for a near fall.
Hunico with a knee and Gabriel blocks a side suplex. Hunico rolls Gabriel up and then picks Gabriel up for a one arm power bomb and gets a near fall. Hunico with a waist lock but Gabriel with a standing switch. Hunico with a standing switch of his own and he hits a standing overhead belly-to-belly throw.
Gabriel kicks Hunico in the corner and hits a moonsault, but Hunico counters the inverted DDT with an inverted DDT of his own for a near fall. Hunico goes up top for the Fallen Star but he hits Gabriel’s knee and Justin gets a near fall. Hunico with an Irish wihp but he runs into a boot. Gabriel fakes out Hunico but Camacho gets on the apron to distract Gabriel and Hunico crotches Justin.
Hunico sets for a belly-to-belly superplex but Gabriel counters into a lateral press. Hunico rolls through and gets some assistance for the three count.
Winner: Hunico
We go to commercial.
Match Number Two: Alicia Fox and Kaitlyn versus Beth Phoenix and Natalya
Fox and Natalya start things off and Natalya with a waist lock and then she sends Alicia to the mat and sits on her for a near fall. Natalya pushes Alicia to the mat but Alicia kicks Natalya and spanks her. Natalya slaps Alicia and hits a monkey flip but Alicia lands on her feet. Alicia with a head scissors and gets a near fall. Kaitlyn tags in and Alicia with a snap mare and Kaitlyn with a drop kick and gets a near fall.
Beth tags in and she kicks Kaitlyn in the ribs. Kaitlyn with a cross body for a near fall. Alicia tags back in and she hits a drop kick and gets a near fall. Alicia hip tosses Natalya onto Beth and Alicia hits a baseball slide on Beth. Beth returns to the ring and kicks Alicia. Alicia with a matrix and kick. Natalya tags in and Alicia chokes Natalya with her boot.
Kaitlyn tags in and hits a back breaker for a near fall. Kaitlyn favors her leg and Natalya hits her in the back of the leg. Beth tags in and they make a wish and Beth gets a near fall. Beth kicks Kaitlyn in the leg and Natalya tags back in . Beth Irish whips Natalya into the corner for a splash. Kaitlyn avoids a second splash but Natalya keeps Kaitlyn from making the tag. Natalya returns Kaitlyn to her corner and Beth tags in.
Beth with a single leg crab on Kaitlyn to work on the knee. Natalya knocks Alicia off the apron but Alicia with a Thesz Press on Natalya. Beth takes care of Fox but Kaitlyn with an inside cradle for the three count.
Winners: Kaitlyn and Alicia Fox
We go to commercial.
We are back with the Raw Rebound.
Match Number Three: Jinder Mahal versus Alex Riley
They lock up and Mahal with a waist lock but Riley works on the wrist and takes Mahal down with a side head lock. Mahal gets a near fall with a rollup. Riley with a clean break but Mahal pushes Riley. Riley punches Mahal and sends him into the turnbuckles.
Riley with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Riley takes Mahal down but Jinder rolls to the floor. Riley goes to the floor after Mahal but Jinder outsmarts Alex with a knee when Riley retursn to the ring. Mahal with a butterfly suplex for a near fall.
Mahal with an Irish whip or two and Riley goes down as Mahal works on the back. Mahal with a rear chin lock. Mahal turns it into a side head lock. Riley with a drop kick and punch followed by a kick to the head. Riley punches Mahal in the corner but Jinder sends Riley to the apron. Riley goes up top but Mahal with a forearm to the head and Riley falls to the floor.
Mahal runs Riley’s back into the apron. We go to commercial.
We are back and Mahal kicks Riley and then drops knees across the chest. Mahal with more knees to the chest and the referee warns Mahal. Mahal gets a near fall. Riley with a head butt and Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Mahal with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Mahal with a quarter nelson and chin lock on Riley.
Mahal with a knee to the midsection and he sends Riley to the floor. Mahal reaches through the ropes but Riley with a sliding kick to the head and Mahal goes down. Riley with a kick and clotheslines. Riley with a spinebuster and he gets sent to the apron. Riley with a shoulder and he goes up top.
Riley with a clothesline from the top but he can only get a two count. Riley with a kick and he sets for the DDT but Mahal blocks it and hits a flatline and gets a near fall. Mahal signals that it is over but Riley slips through and gets a jackknife cover for a near fall. Riley gets Mahal up for the TKO but Jinder escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup. Riley with a DDT and he gets a near fall.
Mahal kicks Riley and hits a slam for a near fall. Mahal with kicks in the corner and he slaps Riley. Riley with an Irish whip and he catches Mahal on his shoulder when Jinder tries to float over. Mahal with elbows but he misses a knee. Riley misses an enzuigiri and Mahal applies the Camel Clutch and Riley taps out.
Winner: Jinder Mahal
We go to credits.
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