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By Richard Trionfo on 2012-05-11 17:34:58
We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are William ‘Sound of Awesome for the Right Side’ Regal and Jim ‘Sound of Awesome for the Left Side’ Ross.

Match Number One: Jason Jordan and Mike Dalton versus Leo Kruger and Brad Maddox

Jordan and Kruger start things off and they lock up. Jordan works on the wrist and tags in Dalton. Dalton with an elbow and wrist lock. Jordan tags back in and he goes to the turnbuckles for a forearm. Dalton tags back in and he hits an elbow from the turnbuckles. Kruger with an arm drag but Dalton with a hammer lock. Kruger backs Dalton into the corner and Maddox rakes the eyes.

Maddox tags in and he works on the arm and hits a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Maddox with punches and a forearm until the referee pulls him off Dalton. Kruger tags back in and he connects with a head butt to the kidneys followed by a snap suplex for a near fall. Kruger chokes Dalton in the ropes and Maddox with a boot to the head when Kruger distracts the referee. Maddox tags back in and he kicks Dalton.

Maddox uses Dalton’s arm to impede his breathing. Maddox and Dalton exchange punches and then Dalton with an enzuigiri. Jordan tags in and he hits a clothesline on Maddox and sends Kruger to the floor. Jordan drops Maddox onto his chest and hits a blockbuster for a near fall.

Kruger breaks up the cover and Dalton takes care of Kruger. Maddox with a spinning jaw breaker for the three count.

Winners: Brad Maddox and Leo Kruger

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Raquel Diaz versus Audrey Marie versus Paige with Sofia Cortez in a Non Title Match

They jockey for position and Raquel goes to the floor. Audrey with forearms to Paige followed by an arm bar and side head lock. Audrey with a sunset flip on Paige but Raquel with a kick to break up the cover. Raquel with a side head lock on Audrey and Paige applies a side head lock to Raquel. Audrey with a clothesline to Paige and Raquel with a hip toss to Audrey. Paige with an elbow drop to Audrey.

Paige and Raquel try for a double clothesline but Audrey fights through it and then Audrey hits a drop kick on Paige and gets a near fall. Raquel with a kick to Audrey and Paige joins in the assault on Audrey. They choke Audrey in the ropes. Raquel holds Audrey in the ropes and Paige hits a splash to the back. Paige tries for a knee to Audrey but Audrey moves and she knocks Raquel off the apron with the knee.

Audrey with a rollup on Paige for a near fall. Audrey with a forearm to Paige but Paige with a hard Irish whip. Paige with boots to Audrey’s upper chest. Raquel pulls Paige out of the corner. Audrey with a clothesline to Raquel for a near fall. Paige sends Audrey into the ring post and then Paige and Raquel push each other.

Raquel with a kick and then she gets Paige on her back for a Gory Bomb but Audrey breaks up the cover. Raquel with a forearm and then she sets for the Three Amigas. Raquel hits the second one and Paige covers Raquel before she can hit the third suplex to get the three count.

Winner: Paige

We go to commercial.

We are back and William Regal and Jim Ross talk about the excitement they have for tonight’s main event between Antonio Cesaro and Richie Steamboat.

We take a look back at the history between Antonio and Richie.

Match Number Three: Antonio Cesaro versus Richie Steamboat in a Jack Brisco FCW 15 Championship Match with a 30 Minute Time Limit

Cesaro pushes Steamboat but Steamboat pushes back. Steamboat with a side head lock and shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall. Cesaro wants to slow down the pace after Steamboat’s early flurry. They have a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Steamboat blocks a kick and he works on the arm and wrist. Steamboat uses the ropes for a twisting arm drag. He follows with a monkey flip for a near fall.

Steamboat with an arm bar and he works on the shoulder. Cesaro backs Steamboat into the corner and he connects with a head butt. Cesaro with a front face lock but Steamboat returns to the arm. Steamboat with a hammer lock and he sends Cesaro shoulder first into the turnbuckles. Cesaro with punches to the ribs.

Steamboat with an arm bar and single leg take down into an arm bar. Cesaro with a forearm and chops. Steamboat returns fire with a chop. Steamboat with an arm drag into an arm bar. Steamboat with a top wrist lock but Cesaro counters and takes Steamboat to the mat. Steamboat stomps on the foot to reverse the hold.

Steamboat with a leg drop to the arm and he gets a near fall. Steamboat with a key lock and it turns into an arm bar. Steamboat gets a near fall with an inside cradle. Cesaro with a knee to the midsection as Steamboat fires back with forearms. Cesaro with an Irish whip but Steamboat with a hip toss and arm drag into an arm bar. Steamboat slams Cesaro’s arm into the mat as we hit the five minute mark.

Steamboat with chops to Cesaro but Antonio gets to the ropes and he takes advantage of Steamboat’s sportsmanship. Steamboat tries to slide under Cesaro but Antonio anticipates it and blocks the slide. Cesaro tries for an O’Connor Roll but Steamboat rolls through and gets the first pinfall of the match.

Steamboat 1 Fall . . . Cesaro 0 Falls . . . 24:10 Remaining

Cesaro argues with the referee and then he charges at Steamboat but Richie is able to fight off Cesaro and then he throws the challenger to the floor. Steamboat with a pescado onto Cesaro and Antonio is favoring his shoulder. Steamboat with a forear and chop on the floor. They return to the ring and Steamboat gets a near fall.

Steamboat with an inside cradle for a near fall. Cesaro with a head butt to the midsection. Steamboat with a kick but Cesaro with a knee. He tries for a suplex but Steamboat lands on his feet and he tries for a rollup but Cesaro holds on to the ropes. Cesaro with a kick but Steamboat with arm drags and an arm bar.

Cesaro with a knee to the midsection and then he connects with a forearm to the head. Steamboat with chops and forearms. Cesaro with shoulders in the corner. Cesaro with a forearm and he tries for a hip toss but Steamboat blocks it and gets a near fall with a back slide. Cesaro with a forearm to the kidneys followed by a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. We go to commercial with about twenty minutes remaining.

We are back and there are slightly more than eighteen minutes to go. We are told by Jim Ross that Antonio Cesaro got a fall during the commercial break to make it a 1 to 1 tie.

Steamboat with forearms and chops before we see how Cesaro tied up the match. We see Steamboat hanging on the ropes and Cesaro with boot to the head and the three count.

We are back to the live action and Steamboat with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Steamboat with forearms and punches but Cesaro with another knee. Steamboat with a flying clothesline for a near fall. Steamboat charges into the corner and Cesaro looks like he is going to send Steamboat onto the apron but instead he sends Steamboat face first onto the ring steps.

Cesaro lets the referee try to count out Steamboat but Cesaro goes to the floor and he carries Steamboat back into the ring and he gets a near fall while Regal questions the decision. Cesaro with another near fall as he puts his entire body weight on Steamboat to make it more difficult to kick out.

Cesaro with a cravate and a Cobra Clutch variation. Steamboat gets to his feet but Cesaro with a forearm. Steamboat fires back with a forearm. Cesaro with a few more forearms as we hit the halfway point of the match.

Cesaro with a deadlift gutwrench suplex for a near fall. Cesaro starts to work on the midsection with a modified abdominal stretch. Steamboat with punches and then he hits a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Steamboat runs into a back elbow or two. Cesaro tries to use the ropes for extra leverage on a cover but Steamboat kicks out.

Cesaro with a forearm but Steamboat with punches after taking Cesaro to the mat. Both men go for clotheslines and Cesaro’s has more of an impact and he gets a near fall. Cesaro returns to the abdominal stretch. Cesaro pulls Steamboat to the mat when Richie tries to get back to his feet. Steamboat with an elbow and forearm.

Steamboat goes to the apron and up top but he shows the damage that his body has taken with the time it takes him to get up top. Steamboat with a cross body but the momentum sends Cesaro over and thanks to the tights, Cesaro gets the three count.

Cesaro 2 Falls . . . Steamboat 1 Fall . . . 11:01 Remaining

Cesaro holds his ribs and Steamboat with a running back elbow. Steamboat escapes a suplex and then he goes for a cross body but Cesaro ducks down and Steamboat rolls to the floor.

We go to commercial with just more than ten minutes remaining.

We are back and there are approximately eight minutes to go. Cesaro with a chin lock but Steamboat gets back to his feet. Cesaro sends Steamboat into the turnbuckles and he kicks Richie. Cesaro tries for the Gotch Style Neutralizer but Steamboat with a back body drop. Cesaro gets back to his feet first and he blocks a kick from Steamboat. Cesaro with a European uppercut for a near fall.

Cesaro with a kick and another running European uppercut for a near fall. Steamboat blocks a European uppercut with a back slide and gets a near fall. Cesaro with a running European uppercut and Steamboat is knocked loopy. Cesaro gets a bit too nonchalant on his cover and that allows Steamboat to get an inside cradle and the three count.

Steamboat 2 Falls . . . Cesaro 2 Falls . . . 6:14 Remaining

Cesaro kicks Steamboat and punches him against the ropes. Cesaro with punches but Steamboat with a shot to the back. Cesaro with a forearm and punches in the corner. Cesaro with a suplex but he misses a few elbow drops as Steamboat rolls out of the way. Steamboat blocks a kick and pushes Cesaro down. Steamboat with a series of clotheslines and a drop kick.

Cesaro with an Irish whip but Steamboat moves out of the way. Steamboat goes up top and hits the chop to the head but he can only get a near fall. Steamboat with an Irish whip and elbows in the corner. Steamboat with a wrap around clothesline for a near fall. We have less than four minutes in the match.

Steamboat tries for a neck breaker but Cesaro counters with a knee. Cesaro misses a forearm and Steamboat with a drop kick for a near fall. Steamboat with a snap elbow drop and forearm to the back. Cesaro with an Irish whip and he runs into boots from Steamboat. Steamboat goes up top for a moonsault but Cesaro moves out of the way and Steamboat crashes and burns. Cesaro hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer but Steamboat is able to kick out at two.

Cesaro argues with the referee while Jim and William wonder how he could have kicked out. Cesaro tries for the Ricola Bomb but then he decides to slap Steamboat. Steamboat slaps him back and tries for a super kick but misses. Cesaro with a clothesline but Steamboat kicks out.

We are down to the final minute and Cesaro with another near fall. Cesaro with three rolling deadlift side saltos but Steamboat kicks out as we approach the final thirty seconds. Cesaro sets for the Ricola Bomb but Steamboat with a sunset flip for a near fall. Steamboat with a super kick and he gets the three count.

Steamboat 3 Falls . . . Cesaro 2 Falls . . . :05 Remaining

The time runs out before either man can get up.

Winner: Richie Steamboat

We go to credits.

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