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By Mike Johnson on 2012-03-23 10:50:43
WWE began adding links and lists of WWE developmental talent Twitters to the company's official lists yesterday. This is the first time they have done that, so it's probably another way for the company to show that FCW isn't going anywhere.

Several days ago, I wrote about the developmental system expanding with something of a "finishing" program set in Stamford, CT with talents going to WWE HQ and working with the company as they prepare for their main roster debut. One source in the company contacted us to state that WWE has actually had that process in play for some time and that it's not something "new" as much as it's been going on for several months.

That said, we do hear there are plans to expand that process and have heard one name that either has or will be hired shortly to work within the developmental system. Once we confirm the name and the hiring, we'll report it.

Several WWE developmental talents are booked to work at Wrestlemania AXXESS events next weekend.

Christian is slated to appear at the FCW company's return to Orlando, FL in May.

Layla El was getting high marks for her return to the ring following her ACL surgery. I was told she was whipping out some really cool Lucha based moves that we've never seen out of her and that she was really working hard in recent weeks to get herself prepared. I don't think we'll see her back on TV until after Wrestlemania, but she'll be a welcome returning face to the Divas division.

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