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By Richard Trionfo on 2009-07-26 11:12:29
We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Dusty ‘I was the third member of ZZ Top’ Rhodes and Byron ‘Where is my interview show’ Saxton.

Dusty and Byron are at ringside to talk about the tag title match later tonight and the return of Joe Hennig.

Match Number One: Dylan Klein and Mr. Tarver versus Bo and Duke Rotundo

Klein and Duke start things off and they lock up with Duke taking Klein down to the mat and Klein goes to the floor to recover. Klein with a waist lock but Duke with a standing switch and take down. Duke rolls through and they get into the ropes and he breaks the hold. Duke grabs Klein’s leg and he runs Klein into the corner and tags in Bo. Bo with a clothesline and a near fall because he decides to do a chest bump with his brother instead of trying to win the match. Bo with a front face lock but Klein runs Bo into his corner. Bo fights out of the corner until Klein with a drop toe hold and then Tarver tags in and hits a head and arm suplex for a near fall. Tarver with a chin lock and front face lock. Bo tries to make the tag but Tarver has Bo by the foot. Bo hits a short arm clothesline and both men are down. Tarver hits Duke on the apron and that forces Duke into the ring and Tarver pulls Bo into his corner. Tarver with a slam and then Klein with a knee drop from the turnbuckles. Klein with a slam after taunting Bo to tag his brother. Klein with a snap mare and arm bar with a cross face. Bo with a rollup for a near fall. Tarver tags back in and he stomps on Bo’s back before returning to the neck. Bo with a back body drop but Klein tags in and he hits Duke on the apron. Bo with a back body drop and then he is able to tag in Duke. Duke with an elbow and power slam for a near fall. Duke with a splash in the corner and then he knocks Tarver off the apron. Duke with a back senton for the three count.
Winners: Bo and Duke Rotundo

It is time for another Escobar video but Fletcher Chase stops the video. Eric says that the video is for his new fragrance. Fletcher changes his tune when he soaks in the essence of Escobar.

Match Number Two: Vic Adams versus Gabriel

They lock up and Gabriel with a take down. They lock up again and Gabriel with an arm drag into a side head lock. Gabriel with a knee to the arm and then he continues to work on the arm with an arm wringer and arm bar. Adams with a few forearms but Gabriel holds on and applies another arm wringer. Gabriel wants a Greco Roman knuckle lock and then he knees Adams in the arm. Gabriel with a drop kick to the shoulder for a near fall. Adams with a series of forearms to Gabriel but Gabriel with a series of running forearms. Gabriel with a European uppercut for a two count. Gabriel waits for Adams to get to his feet but Adams with an elbow that sends Gabriel to the apron. Adams with a forearm and then he tries to suplex Gabriel back into the ring. Gabriel blocks it but Adams with a forearm and hip toss into the ring for a near fall. Adams with a slam for a near fall. Adams with a chin lock but Gabriel gets back to his feet. Adams sets for a power slam but Gabriel reverses it. Adams gets to his feet. Gabriel with a wheelbarrow suplex for the three count.
Winner: Gabriel

After the match, Angela interviews Gabriel at ringside and she asks about the changes. Gabriel says that he changed on the inside. As DJ Gabriel, he had a lot of fun, but he did not get close enough. He has a second chance and he is going to take advantage of it. He says that anything is possible.

Abraham Washington comes to the ring and he is accompanied by Fletcher Chase. Washington reminds us about his show on ECW. He says that he does not want everyone to think that he is neglecting his duties as General Manager in FCW. He has concocted a match that will take place in two weeks. That match is the Grand Royale. Washington brings out the man he thinks is the uncrowned champion, Alex Riley who is accompanied by Beverly.

Riley congratulates Washington on his show. Washington says that Riley is a man of privilege because he is hanging out with him. Washington tells Riley that he is number one contender for the Florida Heavyweight Tag Teams (that is what he said). Washington brings out Tyler Reks with Dawson Alexander.

Reks and Riley have a heated argument that has to be separated by Washington. We have a photo op for the title match and Fletcher Chase is now official in ring photographer in addition to his many roles with Washington. The flash blinds Reks and then Riley attacks Alexander and Reks.

Match Number Three: Vance Archer versus Joe Hennig

They lock up and Archer throws Hennig into the turnbuckles. Archer with a kick but he misses a punch. Hennig with a kick and he tries for a drop toe hold but Archer stays on his feet but he misses an elbow drop. Hennig with an arm bar and Archer tries to escape but Hennig holds on. Archer makes it to the ropes. Hennig with an arm drag into an arm bar. Hennig tries for Son of Perfect Plex but Archer escapes the hold. Archer tries for a suplex but Hennig escapes and Hennig with a drop kick. Hennig goes up top but Archer with a kick and then Archer with an uranage using the ropes for extra impact and we go to commercial.

We are back and Hennig tries for Son of Perfect Plex again and Archer blocks it and hits a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Archer works on the arm but Hennig gets to his feet but it is short lived as Archer brings Hennig back to the mat. Archer with a short arm clothesline and he gets a near fall. Archer punches Hennig and the referee admonishes Archer. Archer turns his attention to Hennig’s neck. Archer returns to the arm and he uses the ropes for extra leverage. The referee finally sees Archer’s hand on the rope and Archer is forced to release the hold. Archer with a swinging neck breaker and then he connects with a double sledge to the neck. Hennig with a kick to Archer followed by elbows and punches. Archer with a hard Irish whip for a near fall. Archer with a boot to the back of Hennig’s neck. Archer with a forearm to the back and then he puts Hennig in a reverse chin lock. Hennig with punches but Archer with a few punches of his own. Archer with an Irish whip. Hennig with a DDT and both men are down. Hennig with punches to Archer followed by a clothesline and back elbow that take Archer down to the mat. Hennig with a flying clothesline and a leap frog neck breaker for a near fall. Archer hits a choke slam but Archer can only get a two count. Archer punches Hennig and then Archer goes up top. Hennig hits the ropes and Archer gets crotched. Hennig and Archer exchange punches. Hennig with a drop kick to Archer and then Hennig takes advantage of the situation to hit Son of Perfect Plex for the three count.
Winner: Joe Hennig

Match Number Four: Caylen Croft and Trent Beretta versus Kris Logan and Justin Angel for the FCW Tag Titles

Beretta and Angel start things off and they lock up with Beretta with a side head lock. Angel escapes and he has Beretta’s arm. Beretta with a forearm but Angel with a drop kick and Croft tags in. They lock up and Croft works on the arm. Angel with an arm drag and arm bar. Logan tags in and they hit a double back elbow and then Angel sends Logan onto Croft for a near fall. Logan with an arm wringer and leg drop. Angel tags back in and Logan with an Irish whip and then Angel with a splash off Logan’s back. Angel with a cross body for a near fall. Angel with an STO and a springboard moonsault but he lands on Croft’s knees. Beretta is tagged back in and he works on the midsection with kicks and a knee. Beretta with another kick before tagging Croft back in and they hit a double gutbuster. Croft with a forearm and kick and then they put Angel in the tree of woe. Beretta tags in and he kicks Angel. Croft tags back in and he kicks Angel and hits a drop kick while Angel remains in the tree of woe. Beretta tags back in and he gets a near fall. Beretta misses a running knee into the corner and Croft tries to keep Angel from making the tag but Croft misses Angel and goes to the floor. Croft is able to pull Logan off the apron and that allows Beretta to hit a belly-to-back suplex.

The referee is late making the count because he was busy talking to Logan. Beretta with a seated abdominal stretch. Angel with a hip toss to get out of the hold. Angel with a rollup and he tries to make the tag but is unable to do so. Logan is finally tagged in and he hits a flying forearm and back elbow. Logan hits a roaring clothesline and a drop kick in the corner. Logan with a double jump split legged moonsault but he can only get a two count. Beretta with a back slide and he uses the ropes but the referee sees it. Logan with an inverted TKO for a near fall.

All four men are in the ring for a moment but Croft goes to the floor and Angel with a pescado. Beretta hits a tornado DDT for the three count.
Winners: Trent Beretta and Caylen Croft

We go to credits.

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