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By Mike Johnson on 2009-06-14 11:12:55

ROH, WWE developmental and Pro Wrestling NOAH alum Ace Steel issued the following comments on the passing of Mitsuharu Misawa:

Hello and I just wanted to spread the good word of the fallen LEGEND..

Man what a blow, I had a nice lil' run doing tours for a few years and Misawa and Ogawa were the ones that had the interest in bringing me to NOAH.

Misawa was a great and generous boss. I had the great opportunity of working in many tag matches with Misawa involved and it was just an honor to get in there with the legend we all grew up watching. He was the heart and soul of Pro Wrestling NOAH....without Misawa, who knows where Japanese wrestling would have gone when Giant Baba passed away.

I remember fondly a tour where I had caught pneumonia and basically was quarantined for most of it after only a few shows...I didn't wanna be sent home because of the money loss but Misawa told me everything would be OK and not to worry as I would get paid.

I didn't want a handout.  I wanted to work for my money so I showed up everyday with my bag but was told to sit it out...Budokan was the last stop on our tour and I had never wrestled in the legendary hall and wanted to soooooo desperately. Well, the last day came and I was granted my wish to work in one of the greatest arenas... That was thanks to a great friend/ref Mighty Inoue, Ogawa and Misawa.

Thanks for the great times wrestling career was truly blessed being in NOAH.

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