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By Richard Trionfo on 2008-04-14 23:13:17
This week Raw comes to us from London, England so that means that General Manager William Regal gets to wrestle Randy Orton. What combination of the four men in the main event at Backlash will we see tonight? What will happen when Beth Phoenix wrestles someone other than Maria? Will Santino Marella get a good reaction from the European fans? Who will become the number one contenders for the World Tag Titles? What will Youmanga do tonight? Will we see Paul Burchill and Katie Lea in their home country?

We begin in the General Manager’s office where William Regal is sipping a spot of tea. A large shadow forms as Bradshaw enters the room. Bradshaw says that he does not care that they are in Regal’s home country or that he is wrestling Randy Orton tonight. He says that Regal is like Gordon Brown and the rest of the former empire that has become a toilet bowl. He calls Regal a spineless puppet. Cena and Hunter want into his title match and Regal gives it to them. They had their chance. Now his title match is a fatal four-way. Regal says that is a good thing because it saved him the option of making the fans pay to see the two biggest pillocks in WWE history. Regal asks Bradshaw what he wants. Bradshaw says that he wants the night off. He wants to get out of England and go back to New York. Regal says that he agrees that he has been accommodating in the past. Tonight, he will show some authority. Bradshaw is not going to be going home. Bradshaw will face Triple Haitch tonight.

We are live on tape from London, England and your announcers are Jim 'BBQ Fish and Chips' Ross and Jerry 'Fat Bottom Girls' Lawler.

Shawn Michaels comes to the ring to address the people of London. Shawn says the last thing he wanted to do was have to address the issue between him and Batista. It seems that whatever country he goes to, that is all they want to talk about. Shawn gives us a recap of this situation. Ric Flair asked, no demanded that Shawn Michaels step into the ring with him at Wrestlemania. They had a match for the ages. He gave Flair his best and beat him. Flair thanked him and hugged him. Shawn says that is closure and everyone within the sound of his voice can accept that, unless your name is Batista. Shawn says that he knows that it will be tough for Dave to be without his mentor by his side. On Friday night, they got to the real issue about what is bugging him and that problem is Shawn Michaels. Batista accused Shawn of holding people down, stepping over people, and backstabbing them on his way to success. Shawn has a newsflash for Batista because it takes more than that to make it in this line of work. In 1998, doctors told him that he would never wrestle again. In 2002, he proved everyone wrong by exceeding everyone’s expectations and continues to do so today. Shawn says that it is because he loves this job. He knows that this was what he was built to do. Shawn says that he has apologized countless times and there are a lot of things that he is not proud of. He is sick and tired of apologizing for his past. Batista said that the only reason that Shawn retired Ric Flair was to boost his ego, but Shawn says that is not the case. Shawn says that what will boost his ego is kicking Batista’s teeth down his throat at Backlash.

There is a Woooo, but Ric Flair does not come out to his music. Instead it is Chris Jericho who comes out to a chorus of boos. Jericho apologizes to Shawn for misleading him with the music but he needs to make a point. We will never hear Flair’s music agayne because of Shawn. Chris says that he has been doing some studying and thinking since last week’s Highlight Reel. He tells Shawn that he is a phony, and that is what Batista thinks of him. He says that Shawn is in it for himself. He does not think that Batista’s problem is with the fact that Michaels retired Flair, but that Shawn enjoyed retiring Flair deep down inside. Jericho says that Michaels thrived on retiring Flair. We know that Shawn thrived on screwing Bret Hart. It was the same when he super kicked Marty Jannetty through a glass window. If Shawn accepts that fact, maybe Batista will forgive him. Jericho says that Batista is being irrational for complaining that Flair is gone, but he is not irrational for hating Shawn. Jericho says that he would not be surprised if Shawn suggested the whole retirement stipulation to Vince McMahon. Before Jericho can say anything else, he has to get the taste of Shawn’s boot out of his mouth after some Sweet Chin Music.

Shawn says that he has to admit that felt pretty good. We go to commercial.

We are back and the King of the Ring will return next week on Raw.

Match Number One: Santino Marella and Carlito versus Paul London and Brian Kendrick in a Number One Contender Match for the World Tag Titles
Santino and London start things off and London blocks a kick and gets a single leg trip into a side head lock. London with an Irish whip and Santino floats over but London is not there. London with a back heel kick that takes Santino down again. London with another kick that sends Marella to the mat again. Carlito tags in and Santino tells London that he is lucky. Carlito avoids one kick but not another. Kendrick tags in and he kick Carlito followed by forearms. Kendrick charges into the corner but Carlito catches Kendrick and hits a running sit out spinebuster while Bob Holly and Cody ‘MAH THUN’ Rhodes watches in the back. Carlito gets a near fall. Santino tags in and he connects with an elbow to the ribs. Santino with a rear chin lock and then he works on the neck. Carlito tags in and he punches Kendrick. Santino tags in and he continues to keep Kendrick from making the tag. Carlito is back in as they continue with the quick tags. Santino returns to the match as he punches Kendrick. Kendrick with a kick to Marella and Carlito tags in but London tags in and he takes down Carlito with forearms and a running forearm. London tries for a rollup but Carlito holds on to the ropes. London with a reverse atomic drop and a rana. London charges into a back elbow from Carlito. Carlito comes off the turnbuckles but London hits a spinning heel kick. Santino and Kendrick enter the ring and Kendrick charges at Santino for a cross body but Santino drops down and Kendrick goes over the top rope to the floor. London with a dropsault to Santino that knocks Marella out of the ring. Carlito hits a Lungblower for the three count.
Winners: Santino Marella and Carlito

After the match, Carlito gets on the mic and he tells Rhodes and Holly something in Spanish. Santino addresses Hardcore Holly and Softcore Rhodes by saying that you need three things to be World Tag Team Champions. First, you need strength. Next, you need agility. Finally, you need to be international superstars. Santino says that when Rhodes and Holly face them, you will see the real winners. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jim and Jerry are talking about the WWE Kids Magazine.

Match Number Two: Beth Phoenix versus Mickie James for the WWE Women’s Title
Beth throws Mickie to the mat on a collar and elbow tie up. Beth picks Mickie up by the throat and throws her into the turnbuckles. Mickie with forearms and kicks and then she tries for a rollup but Beth does not go down and she kicks Mickie. Beth gets Mickie up and runs Mickie into the turnbuckles. Beth gets a near fall and then she kicks Mickie in the ribs. Beth with a Dragon Sleeper but Mickie with knees to get out of the hold. Beth hits a slingshot suplex on Mickie for a two count. Beth returns to the Dragon Sleeper but Mickie gets out of the hold again. Mickie tries for a wheelbarrow move but Beth holds on and gets Mickie in a double chicken wing and pendulum. Mickie escapes the hold and connects with elbows. Beth tries for another running power slam but Beth sends Mickie into the turnbuckles. Mickie with a kick and forearm. Mickie with another forearm followed by a kick and another forearm. Mickie with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors followed by a flying clothesline. Mickie with a kick and then she tries for the Implant DDT but Beth runs Mickie into the turnbuckles. Beth with forearms in the corner followed by kicks and the referee tells Beth to get out of the corner. Beth puts Mickie on the top turnbuckle but Mickie with knees to Beth. Mickie goes up top and hits a Louise Thesz Press for a two count. Beth with an Irish whip and she tries for the double chicken wing but Mickie with a rollup for the three count.
Winner: Mickie James

We go to commercial.

We are back and Maria and Ashley are celebrating in the arena with Mickie James. Todd Grisham comes over to interview Mickie and he congratulates her. Mickie says that she knew she could beat Beth and words cannot describe how she feels. Mickie must be delusional over her win because she kisses Todd Grisham and Todd has something to write in his diary tonight.

It is time to talk about the WWE Title and the Fatal Four Way Match at Backlash.

Mike Adamle is with William Regal. Adamle apologizes for interrupting his warm up routine. Adamle asks Regal why he wants to face the best in the world. Regal wants to prove that he is the best by beating the best in the world. Chris Jericho also interrupts and he asks Regal if he saw the super kick. Jericho suggests a triple threat match as well for Backlash because he wants to be in the middle of the match between Shawn and Batista. Regal tells Jericho that he can be the referee in that match. Jericho says that he wants to wrestle so Regal tells Jericho that he can wrestle YOUMANGA. Jericho does not like that so Regal makes it an Intercontinental Title Match. We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Mick Foley talking about his new movie Anamorph.

Before our next match, JTG gets on the mic and he yo yos for a few seconds. He gives the mic to Shad. Shad and JTG now start saying money a few times until they start saying Euros and then they must have forgotten the memo that England does not like Euros.

We then see Trevor Murdoch getting ready in the back and Lance Cade tells Trevor that a lot of people think Trevor is letting him down, but that is not true.

Match Number Three: JTG with Shad Gaspard versus Trevor Murdoch with Lance Cade
Murdoch with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. JTG with a drop kick but Murdoch with a big boot to the head for a two count. Murdoch with a forearm to the chest for a two count. Murdoch with a forearm to the back followed by a snap mare and crossface. Murdoch with a side Russian leg sweep and then he goes up top and hits a cross body but the momentum puts JTG on top for the three count.
Winner: JTG

After the match, Cade gets into the ring and he does not look happy with Trevor’s loss. Cade gives Murdoch an atta boy and leaves the ring.

Randy Orton walks deliberately in the back as he contemplates how many side head locks to use in his match with William Regal, and it is next after this commercial.

We are back and Randy Orton gets on the mic before his match and he says that at Wrestlemania people thought that he got lucky by retaining his title. You can call him lucky, but you can also call him the WWE Champion. Orton says that he became champion by beating Triple H and taking out John Cena. At Backlash, he will beat Triple H, John Cena, and Bradshaw in one night. Tonight, he gets a bonus by beating Raw General Manager William Regal in his home country. Orton says that it does not matter where you live because it is the Age of Orton.

Match Number Four: Randy Orton versus William Regal
They lock up and Regal backs Orton into the corner and he connects with punches and forearms to Orton and then he applies a side head lock. Orton tries to get out of the side head lock with a top wrist lock and he gets Regal into a bridge but Regal with a leg trip for a near fall. Orton and Regal with a Greco-Roman knuckle lock and Orton flips Regal over and then Regal with a body scissors. Orton slams Regal’s head into the mat to get out of the hold. Orton with a side head lock and he follows that with a back breaker. Regal kicks Orton but Orton responds with punches to Regal. Orton chokes Regal while the referee tries to get him off Regal. Orton with a knee to the forehead. Orton with a reverse chin lock on Regal. Regal hits a belly-to-back suplex and gets a two count when Orton gets his foot on the rope. Orton goes outside the ring to regroup. Regal suplexes Orton back into the ring from the apron. Regal with two exploder suplexes and Regal with a knee lift to Orton but Orton gets his foot on the rope again. Regal stomps on Orton’s knee. Orton hits an RKO out of nowhere for the three count.
Winner: Randy Orton

Youmanga is in the back and he says something in Samoan (I think, but I don’t speak Samoan). We go to commercial looking for a Youmanga to Umaga to English Dictionary.

We are back with an Earlier Tonight Moment when Shawn Michaels shut up Chris Jericho with his boot.

Match Number Five: Youmanga versus Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Title
Jericho and Umaga with punches but Umaga with the advantage and he connects with knees and more punches. Jericho goes to the apron and he holds his jaw. Umaga with a punch to the head. Umaga continues to work on the head. Jericho tries for a sunset flip but Umaga will not go over. Umaga tries for a drop onto Jericho, but Jericho moves. Jericho with a drop kick and senton for a two count. Jericho with punches and kicks but Umaga with a Kane-esque uppercut. Umaga with head butts to Jericho’s neck. Jericho with a kick and punches. Umaga with a back elbow to the throat and Jericho goes to the apron agayne. Umaga sends Jericho into the turnbuckles. Jericho is Irish whipped into the corner but Jericho with an elbow. Umaga with a clothesline and splash but Jericho kicks out at two. Umaga with a punch to the head but Jericho punches back. Jericho with a drop kick that staggers Umaga. Jericho charges at Umaga and Umaga throws Jericho over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho with forearms to Umaga and he punches Umaga in the corner but Umaga pushes Jericho to the mat. Umaga with a knee drop to Jericho’s head. Umaga with the nerve hold. Jericho with punches and Umaga charges at Jericho against the ropes but Jericho goes down and Umaga goes to the floor. Jericho with a baseball slide that sends Umaga into the ringside barrier. Umaga with a clothesline to Jericho on the floor. Umaga with a near fall and then he hits a splash onto the chest. Umaga tries again but he gets a knee to the upper groin. Jericho tries to slam Umaga and he gets Umaga up but Umaga falls on top of Jericho for a two count. Umaga with a diving head butt and then he kicks Jericho in the back. Umaga chokes Jericho in the ropes. Umaga with a hard Irish whip to Jericho and then he gives Jericho another hard Irish whip. Umaga slams Jericho and then he pulls Jericho into the corner and he sets for the running butt splash but Jericho rolls out of the ring. Jericho hits a forearm to the back from the top turnbuckle and both men are down. Jericho punches Umaga and kicks him. Jericho with a running forearm but Umaga stays up. Jericho tries for a bulldog but Umaga throws Jericho to the mat. Umaga misses a leaping head butt. Jericho with a drop kick and then he sets for the Walls of Jericho. Umaga with a shot to the throat. Umaga with a Samoan Drop for a two count. Umaga misses the Samoan Spike but Umaga sends Jericho into the corner. Umaga misses a splash into the turnbuckles and Jericho gets a rollup with his feet on the ropes for the three count.
Winner: Chris Jericho

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Hacksaw Jim Duggan versus Paul Burchill with Katie Lea
Burchill with a forearm as the bell rings and the referee pulls Burchill off Duggan. Burchill with punches to the midsection. Burchill with shoulders but Duggan with punches. Burchill with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Burchill slams Duggan’s head into the mat for the three count.
Winner: Paul Burchill

We go to commercial.

We are back and Todd Grisham is with Triple Haitch. Todd asks Hunter about his match with Bradshaw and how he prepares for an opponent for the first time. Hunter asks Todd if he writes his own questions. Hunter rhetorically asks how cerebral would he be if he came out and told Todd his game plan. Hunter asks Todd to use his noggin. Hunter says that this will be one of the epic encounters that will make it on the next Triple H DVD. Hunter says that at Backlash there will be no flukes and no luck. The best will emerge. Hunter tells Bradshaw that he should have kept that cushy announcing job because tonight he will be playing the game.

It is time to discuss the card for Backlash.

Match Number Seven: Triple Haitch without the GameFountain versus Bradshaw with JBLimo

Before Hunter can spit for the British fans, he is interrupted by the dinner bell on Bradshaw’s limo.

The match is joined in progress as we come back from commercial. Bradshaw with a shoulder tackle followed by a side head lock take down. Hunter with a head scissors and Bradshaw escapes the hold. Hunter with a side head lock. Hunter with a shoulder tackle and he gives a crotch chop to Bradshaw (but they were never tag team partners like when Kip did the same thing to BG last night at Lockdown). Bradshaw is not happy over what Hunter just did. The lock up and Bradshaw backs Hunter into the corner. They have a clean break thanks to the referee. Hunter gets in Bradshaw’s face. Bradshaw tells Hunter to respect him and Hunter comments on Bradshaw’s hat. They lock up again and they have another clean break. Bradshaw with a boot and forearm followed by an Irish whip but Hunter with a clothesline and punch. Hunter slams Bradshaw’s head into the turnbuckles and then it is time for shoulders in the corner. Hunter with a neck breaker for a near count. Hunter with a key lock but Bradshaw rolls through. Bradshaw with punches to Hunter. Hunter tries for a Pedigree but Bradshaw with a back body drop. Bradshaw follows that with a running shoulder tackle and a forearm to the back. Bradshaw with a punch. Bradshaw with a swinging neck breaker and then he puts Hunter in a full nelson. Hunter escapes the MBALock. Hunter with a high knee followed by punches. Hunter with a facebuster and then he clotheslines Bradshaw over the top rope to the floor. They fight outside the ring and towards the back. Hunter punches Bradshaw and sends him into the security barrier. Randy Orton comes out and he attacks Hunter. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner: No Contest

Orton punches Hunter but Hunter with a spinebuster. Hunter sets for the Pedigree on Orton but Bradshaw with a boot to Hunter. Bradshaw punches Hunter and then he holds Hunter for Orton to punch him. Orton hits an RKO on Hunter and then Bradshaw metaphorically kicks dirt on Hunter. Bradshaw holds Hunter for Orton to kick him but Bradshaw double crosses Orton with the Clothesline from Wall Street. Bradshaw holds the title belt before hitting a Clothesline from Wall Street on Hunter. Bradshaw holds the belt over his head as we go to credits.

Raw Thoughts

I thought it was good to have William Regal start off the show since they are in his country.

If you are supposed to be so smart, why would you insult the guy who can set up matches?

The use of Shawn Michaels was good if they were going to do a long promo segment. I did not like Chris Jericho’s insertion into the angle.

When Flair’s music played, did anyone really expect to see Flair come out?

If Shawn Michaels defeating Ric Flair meant that we would never hear Flair’s entrance music again, how were we able to hear Flair’s music before Jericho came out? (crap, I forgot that logic was a four letter word for WWE Creative)

Don’t London and Kendrick still have a title match since they did beat the champions? I didn’t think they were transferable or lost if you lose a match?

I thought the London/Kendrick versus Marella/Carlito match was okay. I thought Santino pointing to himself when he mentioned Carlito and pointing to Carlito when he mentioned himself was good and I think it helped that Carlito realized the error.

I liked the Women’s Title Match, but it did not seem like the crowd was into it. I don’t know why they changed the title on a taped show, but it was good to give a title change on television. This was the best match up they could have done with the Raw roster.

Why was it only Maria and Ashley celebrating with Mickie? Could they only get one and a half Divas to come out? At least someone came out to celebrate with the new champion and this isn’t even the top title in the company.

I guess nobody told WWE Creative that the British are not fans of the Euro for the Cryme Tyme promo.

Which will happen first: The break up of Cade and Murdoch or the end of the Kip and BG James feud?

Does anyone remember when Cade and Murdoch were the tag team champions?

The Orton/Regal match was good (sorry Les) for what it was. It was great to see a crowd react the way they did for Regal. I also liked the way that Lawler and Ross talked about how we normally did not hear a reaction like that for Regal. At least there were no ‘This is Bizarro World’ commentary. We can save that for Toronto and Montreal.

Where was John Cena to translate what Umaga said tonight?

I thought the Jericho/Umaga match was good. With Beth already losing the title, I did not expect to see Umaga win (even if I did not see the results before the show). I guess they are building Jericho for the next feud with Shawn Michaels since he appears to be turning heel.

What was the purpose of the Burchill/Duggan match? At least we didn’t get a USA chant from Duggan.

I wonder if Todd was more afraid of interviewing Triple Haitch or being kissed by Mickie James? Do you think Mickie was having second thoughts about that kiss?

The main event was okay. I thought it would have been funny to see Hunter do the GameFountain despite Bradshaw’s music starting.

Was anyone missing Chris Masters when Bradshaw had Hunter in the full nelson?

I guess Randy Orton was the other person who did not see Kip James attacking BG after his match because he obviously missed that Bradshaw was going to turn on Orton.

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