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By Larry Goodman on 2008-03-11 22:35:58
The bill that would revamp regulation of pro wrestling in the Georgia was approved by the Georgia Senate today by a vote of 49-6. To become law, the bill must be passed by the House of Representatives during this session of the General Assembly, which is scheduled to adjourn on March 18. 
The substitute version passed by the Senate is far more favorable to the wrestling industry than the bill as it was originally introduced. 
The portions of the bill that came under fire from the wrestling industry at the February 12 public hearing have largely been eliminated. No longer present are the requirements for an ambulance at every show, the presence of a doctor at ringside and the 5% gate tax. In addition, the Georgia Athletic and Entertainment Commission is expressly prohibited from regulating the entertainment aspects of the matches.
It contains many of the rules suggested by the Georgia Wrestling Promoters Advisory Committee headed by Bill Behrens.The annual license fee for wrestlers is set at $20. The licensure application must be accompanied by documentation the wrestler passed a basic medical exam. Bleeding is permissible on the condition that the wrestler provided documentation of negative blood tests for the presence of communicable diseases.

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