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By Chip Douglas on 2006-09-07 08:55:00

Paul Birchall defeated the Real McCoy. McCoy looks just like Robbie from the Highlanders. Burchill looks to be in better shape then ever. Good match, Burchill did a dive to the outside. and won with a neckbreaker. 

A video airs with a drunken Jack Bull sleeping in what looks to be a wifebeater with vomit, and aviators. His famous daredevil costume hangs in the background only to be swept away by someone's thievish hand. Sosay enters and wakes Bull up. Both search frantically for his missing costume. Who stole it? I was hoping we'd see Jack Bull but that was last of him for the entire night. 

Cryme Time came back to the Davis arena as babyfaces. Shad Gaspard even shook hands. They got on the mic and demanded real competition. They went through three matches. First beating Lightfoot and Andy Vein. Then beating Los Locos who had a new look to them. Then to a surprise that I think confused the audience was Rob Conway and Sean Osbourne. What a random way to use the conman but it was good to see him. 

Gunner Scott def Robbie Dawber. Scott dominated and put him away with the crowbar. I like Dawber on the microphone better. 

They kept trying to go to TV but I guess the production wasn't working right. 

Vic Devine def TJ Dalton. TJ is good but just really skinny. If he puts on size he could be a real force to be reckoned with. Devine has a great look. Devine speaks with a terrible accent, I don't know if that's his real voice or not. He won with a pumphandle rock bottom. 

TV finally started with Kenny of the Spirit Squad interrupting Dean Hill. He speaks about what he's done in his career and how Chett the Jett won the title. Doane is interrupted by Chett who answers his challenge and says he can have a shot at his title tonight. Doane says he cant wait, and slaps Jett and takes off. Our main event is set.. 

Three way tag team title match: Cody Runnels/ Shawn Spears vs. KC/ Idol vs. Deuce and Domino. Great match, but I went to the bathroom right before the end so I don't know who won. Cody and Shawn are loved by the girls and hated by a lot of the guys for that reason. I came back and saw D and D destroying people with Cherry's roller skate. 

A pre-tape aired with Charles the Hammer and ODB which was interrupted by Serena. Serena is the center of OVWs women's wrestling, but as good as she is as a wrestler she has the acting ability of a porn star. We have seen this segment probably for the last month now. The only thing cool was that little by little a new girl would come into the locker room and say something about the title until it was literally filled with ten women. A ref came in with a message and said that everyone has a shot to win the title in a women's battle royal. 

Eddie Craven and Mike Kruel defeated "Platinum" Pat Buck and Johnny Punch. Short match. Craven and Kruel look like a strong team, I think they just need to come up with a name. Both have been doing a great job of just being solid wrestlers in OVW. I think for the last two months I have seen Buck switch from face to heel every week. No matter what though he gets that exact reaction they desire for him to do. I'm not a Punch fan, but I'd like to see them do something with Buck. He has the look/gimmick, size, and ability. Punch though should either do pushups or wear something Jeff Hardy does. 

There was a woman's battle royal which was for ODBs women title. I guess the audience know is suppose to believe her title means something. I still think it's lame. It was great to see ten OVW women. They were Serena, Jennifer, Victoria, Roni Jonah, Melody, Beth, Katie Lae, Ariel, ODB, Kelly Kelly. Only weird thing was that Kelly Kelly came out last. I think the "champ" should come out before an exhibitionist, but that's my opinion. OVW has so many future divas. They look the part and some like Beth and Serena are as good as any WWE divas. There were some really cool moves in the match including a Tajiri like back elbow from Victoria. ODB managed to knock the last three girls off the apron Serena, Katie Lae, and Beth to keep her title. She then played the air trumpet, which was awesome. 

Skyfire was on the screen in an empty arena speaking about his injuries and what happened to him. Seth is probably the best wrestler down here, but probably one of the worst talkers. OVW seems to be using the people who cant speak to be featured in videos. Id rather see Idol or Dawber, or anyone for that matter who can handle the mic. 

The main event was the match of the night as Chett defeated Kenny. A lot of false finishes and Spriit squad members Nicky and Johnny ran in to help but failed. Chet won with a rollup similar to last week. Its weird how a month ago I was saying Chett was underused and now he's champion. Does someone read these???
All and all it was a good show.

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