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By Dave Scherer on 2016-07-24 19:26:00

Enzo said the fans are looking at the Mount Rushmore of Certified Gs. He said he realizes that there only three of them but they have John Cena so that makes them 4G, so they are well connected.

Then they did their How You Doin bit.  Never wear Crocs, ever.  Tremendous.  I love Enzo.  And Cena is great with them.

Cass got the mic and said give it up for Enzo, that was excellent.  It was.  The crowd did their Enzo Amore song.  It was great.  Now it's time for Cass to talk.  They did a great job, and Cena just took it all in.



The Club came out next.

The fans were chanting Soccer Mom at AJ due to what Ezon and Cass said about him.  So, AJ went to work.  For a second.  Then Cass went to work launching Enzo, and then Styles, onto the Club.  But then The Club went to work on Enzo.

Enzo fought back and went for a tag but Anderson nailed him with a knee to the face out of nowhere.  So they kept working but Enzo tagged in Cena and he faced off with AJ Styles.  Cena did the Shuffle right away and then the AA.  AJ jumped out and hit a Pele kick.  Good.  Way too soon for that from Cena. … Then it broke down a little and Enzo accidentally hit Cena but he tossed him into Gallows.  AJ then hit Gallows by accident and Cena hit an AA for a two, that Gallows broke up.  This has broken down.  Where is Jim Ross to call it? … Bodies are everywhere.  Cena just beat the count.  He and AJ are legal.  AJ ht the Styles Clash but Cass saves it by pulling AJ off.  Gallows attacks Cass and he and Anderson his Magic Killer.  Enzo comes in and takes them both on.  Fans love it.  AJ and Cena are legal but out.  So it’s Enzo and Gallows.  Enzo is over like rover.  And he ran into a Gallows kick. Cena got in and Gallows charged, but missed. AJ came back and got crotched by Cena.  John went to the second row for an AA but AH fought back.  Cena hit it anyway and got the pin on AJ.  Really good match from a work standpoint.  I would have liked for AJ to win, but I didn’t expect it.

After the match, Enzo hugged Cena and Cass.  The babyfaces took in the reaction from the crowd after the match.

Time for the Highlight Reel, with guest Randy Orton.

Randy looked really touched by the reaction he got coming out.  Can’t blame him there.  He took it all in.  I would have too.

The fans chanted Welcome Back and he tapped his heart.  He said one thing over the last month there was something missing, you fans.  He said DC has him in such a good mood that he doesn’t even mind that he has to share his return with “this guy”.  Jericho said instead of insulting him, he should be thankful to make his return with one of the greatest of all time.  You’re welcome.  Sure I am in a good mood, but that could change real quick and I might drop your ass.  Jericho mocked an RKO out of nowhere and said he might his a Codebreaker out of nowhere.  Y2J brought him up to speed on what has happened since he has been gone.  He put over Steph.  Y2J complained about the tacks Dean Ambrose out in his arm.  He said he will give Randy the gift of Jericho to help him beat Brock Lesnar.  Drink it in.  Orton mocked his hair and said he thought he was on the Ellen show.  So Chris talked about how tough Brock Lesnar is and how he is coming for him, and they ran clips of Lesnar crushing people.  Chris said he thinks he is ducking Lesnar and is scared of him. He said he is a muttonhead for facing Lesnar.  Orton said he has been out for 9 months and he wants to make an epic return, so he took Lesnar, not Fandango.  Get it, because Jericho did?  Y2J said that Lesnar will kick his ass at SummerSlam.  Orton knows he will get a ton of suplexes. But it only takes one RKO to get to Viperville and, I quote, “No enhancement needed”.  DAMN!  Jericho said something tells me you will pay for that comment.  

Jericho relays messages from Brock about the things he will do to Randy Orton at SummerSlam, including calling him a stupid idiot.  Brock said that, not Jericho.  Jericho mocked Orton and wondered if the RKO was coming.  Yes, it did.  The fans liked it.  It was a little clunky but it did what they wanted.

The main event is next.  Yep, we are running long tonight.

Both locker rooms were shown in the back getting ready to watch the match since they want the belt to come to their brand. 

Then Mick Foley came out, followed by Steph.

Then came Shane so you know who will be last, yep the one that got the biggest pop, Daniel Bryan.  They will all be watching the match from ringside.

Match time.  Seth Rollins came out first, to a good pop.  Man the boos started before Reigns’ music even hit.  And they kept up.  They pondered how his suspension will affect him tonight.  Dean is last, and he got a good pop.  It’s 10:53 so we are going late.  JBL has changed his view on Ambrose because, well, he wants the title on his brand.

DC is loud in chanting Roman sucks.  They don't like him.

It was what you would expect early on, with each guy getting some time in control and it going all over the place.

They kept brawling and then Ambrose and Rollins worked together on Reigns, and the fans loved it.  Reigns got out of it and they booed.  Ambrose and Rollins hit big spots on the floor on Reigns and the cheers were back.  Rollins and Ambrose then worked together again to take out Reigns with a powerbomb through the Spanish announce table to make it one on one.  And Rollins pasted Ambrose from behind with a chair.  Then he nailed Reigns with it.  He threw Ambrose in the ring and went for a powerbomb but Ambrose rolled through with a rana.

Rollins got a two with a suplex and a Falcon Arrow.  It was so impressive JBL said he is now rooting for Rollins.  The fans chanted it was awesome and it was.  Rollins went for the Pedigree but Ambrose got out.  Reigns came back in and took out Dean and got a two on a powerbomb on Seth.  Dean got a two on a backslide.  He hit the Superman but Ambrose rolled out.  Seth got the Pedigree on Roman for a two that was close to three.

Seth hit the turnbuckle powerbomb on Roman but he came back with a Superman Punch on Seth and a Spear.  Before he could make the cover, in came Dean for the Dirty Deeds, 1-2-3.  The Title stays on Smackdown, exactly as it should have. 

Shane and Bryan came into the ring to celebrate with their champ and the crowd chanted YES!  Steph is really mad, especially when Dean rubbed it in her place.

The announcers put over how the Smackdown brand was made by this as the locker room came out to celebrate, led by John Cena.

Excellent match to end an excellent night of wrestling.

Now, I am not a sucker.  And last week, I wasn’t overly excited about the draft and the split.  But I said give it a chance.  I am not going to do a 180 here and say we are at a renaissance but I will say this, for step one of the splitting of the brands, they pretty much did everything right tonight and I am really excited to watch five plus hours of TV over the next two days.  I can’t ask for any more than that.

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