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By Brian Washington on 2007-06-28 14:55:00

Former WWE superstar Joanie "Chyna" Laurer was a guest on Jim Rome's nationally syndicated radio show on Thursday. Of course, this was pretty much because of the Chris Benoit tragedy that occurred over the weekend.


First, Rome asked her what she thought caused Benoit to do what he did. She said that it was a combination of steroids, depression and mental strife. She also was asked if she thought that it might have been roid rage that caused him to do what he did. She pretty much said that it might have been a contributing factor, but that when she heard that it was done with deliberation and not out of rage that she had second thoughts about it.


Rome later asked her opinion of WWE's response to the tragedy. Laurer said she was pretty much disgusted by it. She also went on to say that even though Vince McMahon is pretty much hands on with the company; however, when a tragedy happens he tends to wash his hands of it. She also was asked if she felt that WWE should share some of the responsibility. She said that they were and that she has no respect for the McMahons.


When asked about how widespread drug abuse was, she pretty much said that steroids usage is pretty much widespread. However, she said that she never personally took them but that she did take hormones.


The conversation then turned to Owen Hart. She said that Hart was apprehensive about doing the stunt that eventually claimed his life but that he went ahead and did it anyway. She went on to say that after that the rest of the evening seemed surreal and that she really doesn't remember it. She also said that it has taken her years to finally acknowledge what happened that night.


She later took calls from the listeners. One caller asked about roid rage. Another caller asked about Eddie Guerrero and she said she was very sad about that. Another caller asked if it was true that Vince had something to do with Owen Hart's harness failing that night because he wanted to get back at Bret Hart. However, one caller brought up several good points especially the fact that it is horrible that a lot of wrestlers are dying young and that something should be done to make sure that nothing like this keeps happening.


After Laurer left the studio, Rome acknowledged that she seemed a little disturbed and that she pretty much contradicted herself throughout the interview.

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