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By Mike Johnson on 2007-06-28 11:52:00

WWE Niagara Falls, which featured Chris Benoit as part of their opening ceremonies (including a Grauman's Chinese Theatre like ceremony where WWE stars dipped their handprints in cement), have pulled Benoit merchandise from the shelves and are in the planning of removing or covering Benoit's handprints. Gary MacGregor, director of marketing with Canadian Niagara Hotels, which operates the souvenir shop, told the Niagara Falls Review, "We just feel that it's not appropriate - especially at this point - for kids to see that. Parents don't want to talk about this to their children and we don't want to force anything upon anybody." You can read the complete Review article at this link.

Jagger K sent the following....Over the last two days, Howard Stern of course spent time on the Benoit tragedy as well and played Vince, Steph and HHH clips all discussing Benoit. Howard thought the fact that HHH bragged about Benoit making a new wrestler do squats was weird because he thought Benoit sounded like a hot-headed bully. Outside of some minor joking they treated the tragedy in kind and Howard could not understand it. He mentioned that wrestlers have a tough life and he enjoys having some (HHH, Rock, SCSA) on the show. Artie said they should have Kanyon come on to discuss Benoit and Howard said Kanyon might be too emotional for him to handle (last appearance Kanyon discussed he was suicidal).

Lex Luger, of all people, was interviewed about the Benoit tragedy by NBC affiliate channel 11 Alive in Georgia at this link. In regard to the steroid aspect of the story most of the media had been focusing on until Daniel Benoit's health came to light, Luger commented, ""Obviously, they were in his home. Let's face it. There's a pretty good chance he was on them and to discount that they didn't play a role, as far as with his temperament, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't that possibility." There was no discussion of Luger's own past issues or the death of Elizabeth several years ago.

WWE Diva Jillian Hall commented on the tragedy in her latest blog entry at http://blog. jillianhall1, writing:

Well, by now the whole world knows of the horrible news that took place this week. With all of the comments and messages from people saying how sorry they are for our loss, I figured I would speak in general. I am 100% in agreeance with WWE and Mr. McMahon on completely erasing all tributes to Chris Benoit. While he had always been nice and polite to me and most of the WWE talent, what he did is completely disgusting and unforgivable! This man who could have been a legend has demolished his reputation. My heart goes out to Nancy and the adorable Daniel and the family and friends they left behind!

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