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By Adam Samons on 2007-05-08 17:36:00

Between The Ropes
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Central Florida's Sports Radio 740 The Team
Simulcast online at

On Wednesday night, May 2, former WWE Champion Brock Lesnar joined hosts Brian Fritz, Dickerman, and Vito DeNucci live on Between The Ropes on Central Florida's Sports Radio 740 The Team to discuss the preparation for his MMA debut against Hong-Man Choi on June 2 nd, the transition from wrestling to MMA, his time in WWE, and much more.


The discussion started out with Brock being asked about the transition from professional wrestling to mixed martial arts.   Brock said that he enjoyed "getting back to competing again.  I was an amateur wrestler for 18 years, then I got out of it, but it's always been in my blood.   Now, I'm training like an amateur wrester again, along with implementing my stand up, striking, and jujitsu.  It has been really exciting because when I was done with amateur wrestling I was kind of worn out with it.   Now it's refreshing while I learn the mixed martial arts game.  It has really allowed me to make the adjustment."  


Next, Brock was asked if he had any troubles transitioning from the competition of amateur wrestling into professional wrestling where he had to put on more of a show.   Brock replied that "as a professional wrestler I used a lot of my amateur wrestling background and mentality.  I approached every match as though I was going to go out there and compete.   For me now it's definitely the real thing…it feels like I'm competing again, so I'm really at home with it." 


Regarding his training Brock said "cardio is the key factor in any sport.  If your gas tank isn't on full then you're not able to compete, you're unable to do any technique.  Cardio is my primary focus."  Brock said he has also been working on submissions and sparring while he trains 6 days a week and that as the fight draws near he has been working more on specific game plans and techniques.  


Asked about the commonly held belief that wrestlers don't like being on their back in MMA Brock said "I think that it's some myth that some jujitsu guy made up after some wrester choked him out…I know he won't win by pinning me so I'm totally comfortable being on my back."


Brock then talked about what he was doing to prepare for his opponent, Hong-Man Choi, who is a sever footer and has a significant size advantage in the fight.   "The guy is taller, so I've got to move my hands higher, the advantage is that he has a big-ass head which makes for a nice target…We've got to watch out for his reach, I just don't want to be at the end of his punches…If I can get inside and take this thing to the ground I think he's really going to be in trouble."  


Brock also discussed how he felt fortunate to have been a professional wrester over the past few years, which allowed him to be entering into MMA at this point in time.   After he got out of college "there weren't too many options for me.  I could have gone to the Olympics or tried football right away, but nobody had the benjamins on the table like professional wrestling offered me.   I was tired of starving, I wanted to provide from my family and make a living…Now I feel very fortunate that I was able to go through that and to be a part of this now."

Asked to describe his WWE tenure Brock emphasized that he did enjoy his time there but that it was time for him to try something else.   "I made a lot of money there and it fit me for that time, but now I'm at a different stage in my life where I'm very content with what I'm doing."
Brock said that he hoping to make a big impact in his debut fight.  After the fight he will then look to spend some quality time with his family while seeing what else happens in regards to an MMA contract.  


Brock also claimed that he didn't feel any pressure heading into this fight.  "I look at it as a win-win situation.  I'm able to do what I want, to be a part of the MMA world and come out and fight.  You can put any kind of pressure you want on yourself , but my main focus is just to get in the ring and perform."  


Asked how he is preparing for his seven foot opponent Brock said "I tried to go down and talk to some of the guys from the Timberwolves, but none of them wanted to come and train.   KG (Kevin Garnett) didn't want no part of it."  He also said that while he has had trouble finding seven footers he is training with people taller than him, raised his mitt levels, and has moved his punch locations higher.   He also said that he had been fortunate and avoided major injuries during training.


On the topic of whether a Kurt Angle v. Brock Lesnar shoot fight would ever happen in MMA Brock said that he "would be all for it, but as far as anything happening I really doubt it.   It's all up to Kurt, if it did happen…it would be great."  Brock also said that "Kurt's a great guy.  He's given his heart, soul, body, and mind to professional wrestling and it takes a toll, definitely."  Brock also recounted traveling with Kurt and shooting with each other "all the time" on the road and doing amateur wrestling to get their cardio together.   "I really enjoyed my time training with Kurt."   


The interview wrapped up with Brock talking about his debut show June 2nd at the LA Coliseum.   He also confirmed that Royce Gracie will be on the show. 


To listen to the Brock Lesnar interview, including who he's training with, the story behind his negotiations with WWE last year, his favorite submissions, as well as the entire May 2 edition of Between The Ropes in streaming audio, visit the show online at Join us for Between The Ropes for two hours every Wednesday night at 10:00pm ET on
Central Florida's Sports Radio 740 The Team and worldwide on

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