For those who are wondering about the state of MTV Wrestling Society X, here's an update. According to a network source, there are no plans for MTV to air the tenth and final episode of the season, so as of right now, all sides are treating the original 3/13 marathon airing of episode nine as the "final episode".
What this means for contracted talents is that they, unless their contracts are extended by 6/13, they would be automatically released and free to sign elsewhere. Talents that were on shorter term deals, such as Colt Cabana (who signed with WWE over the weekend) are already free and clear to go elsewhere. None of the WSX talents under any contract have been paid since November 2006 when they filmed the first season, so being freed up to sign with a national company can be seen as only a positive at this point.
Wrestling Society X is currently airing for MTV in several international markets including France, Australia, and Great Britain, but it's considered highly unlikely WSX will continue in its current form under the MTV banner once those episodes air.
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