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By on 2007-01-29 14:01:00 wrapped up 8 hours of wrestling radio shows (which included an exclusive interview with Candice Michelle) on Sunday 1/28 with special guest Kip James on a show called Carnage. The show started off with a bang when the hosts announced Trish Stratus would be taking part in the fun on WM Sunday! The site runs All-day coverage every year for WM and several of the shows host their own WM PPV parties at local sports bars. This year, Trish Stratus will be participating in one of these parties and there will also be a post WM dinner date with Trish for the lucky winner of a contest. All of the details for this Trish Stratus appearance and contest will be released on in the days to come.

Kip James walked into the studio. Here are the highlights (the full 30 minute interview can be heard for free on the site).

Kip commented on Cena using the Fame-Asser on the Rumble PPV. Kip said Cena steals a lot of stuff but it is okay since Cena "is limited."

Most of the VKM material is from BG James and Kip themselves. Vince Russo, who is writing at TNA basically lets VKM do their own thing without getting too involved.

The hosts reminded Kip that their airwaves are Internet-only (every Sunday night live at 11PM EST. on and he was free to curse, this was when Kip seemed to really get comfortable.

Kip made some bold statements. Kip said "When you've seen one X Division match you have seen them all."

Kip says he is a huge General Hospital fan and that [WWE] wrestling has gotten away from the cliffhangers that make people want to watch week to week. The hosts take WWE's side and say TNA drags their angles out too long. Kip says TNA has a much smaller fan base so it takes longer for the mass of fans to grasp the storyline. Because of this, it is important for TNA not to move their angles as fast as WWE.

Kip says Vince McMahon's ego will not allow himself to comment on VKM on WWE TV. Kip says Vince probably "loves" the angle since it was Vince's own original ideas being reversed on him.

Kip puts over LAX.

Kip says TNA gives the fans too much in one hour and they are not leaving the fans wanting more the following week.

Kip says TNA is wasting Bobby Roode. Kip says Roode is going to be a HUGE star and it WON'T be from TNA because "they don't know how" [to push a guy]. Kip jokes that he is probably going to get fired tomorrow at the TNA tapings for what he says in this interview. {Note to TNA officials: Kip's attitude towards TNA was much more friendly than how Kid Kash was in that "other interview" I recapped two years ago that seemed to cause a lot of trouble in your office}.

Kip says he has heat with Rico (former WWE wrestler).

Kip says he would "leave TNA in a heartbeat" if WWE offers him enough money. Kip says he actually left WWE on good terms and was just victim of WWE wanting to refresh the locker room. Kip said he was in WWE for 13 years.

Kip said he won a lot of things in WWE but it didn't mean s***. Kip talks about his feud with The Rock and jokes about being mad at him because he didn't get his copy of Gridiron Games in the mail yet.

Kip says women have no place in the wrestling ring. Kip said Miss Texas and Luna are the only two that could wrestle like guys. Kip said he didn't like Lita after the hosts put her over. Kip says adding the "ugly ass" girls of TNA to a new women's division would be a big waste of TNA's already limited time.

Kip says the addition of Kurt Angle to TNA is a good thing for TNA. The hosts mention the upcoming "all WWE main event" of the TNA PPV and Kip said he really doesn't want to see it and that he will probably drive home before the match even starts. Kip said he doesn't even remember when the next TNA PPV is taking place.

Kip talked about an encounter earlier that day with the local cheerleaders from the Arena Football League and a funny road story about an auto accident involving him and BG James that Ken Shamrock and Vince McMahon got involved in. The interview ended and Kip jetted out of the studio for his flight to Florida for the TNA tapings the next day.

The full interview can be heard for FREE in streaming Real Audio right now on

The Candice Michelle interview that was mentioned earlier is now archived on and that site will be having interviews with Jim Ross, Vampiro and Ron Jeremy in the weeks to come (wait, why is Ron Jeremy going to be on wrestling radio?)

Make sure you stay tuned to the forums on for more info on winning the dinner date with Trish Stratus:

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