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By Buck Woodward on 2006-11-11 10:00:00

Answered on 11/11

When was Sabu and Rob Van Dam's first match against each other in ECW?

The first ECW Sabu vs. Rob Van Dam match took place on January 27, 1996 at the ECW Arena . Sabu defeated Rob Van Dam via disqualification when El Puerto Ricano interfered and Sabu's long-time handler, 911, turned on him and chokeslammed Sabu. This was supposed to set up a Sabu-911 match, but 911 left the company after this show.  ECW did a rematch a month or so later and began the proper Sabu vs. RVD feud.

I heard a recent Elite Hotline where you mentioned Gino Hernandez as someone who died from the "lifestyle" his led.  Who was he and when did he die?

Gino Hernandez died of a drug overdose at the age of 29 on February 4, 1986.  Hernandez had made himself into a star in Southwest Championship Wrestling and World Class Championship Wrestling.  He was part of a top heel team with Chris Adams, feuding with the Von Erichs as the "Dynamic Duo".  The team split, and were in the midst of an angle where Hernandez had "blinded" Adams.  Hernandez was found dead in his Dallas apartment of acute cocaine intoxication.  Several wrestlers who were close to Hernandez, including Tully Blanchard and Kevin Von Erich, have insinuated in interviews that they feel foul play may have been involved in his death, as Hernandez had a reputation for living a wild lifestyle that including gambling and drugs. 

I know that Roddy Piper boxed Mr. T at Wrestlemania II, but didn't Bob Orton box him as well?

Yes, he did.  On February 15, 1986, WWF taped the fifth edition of Saturday Night's Main Event (broadcast on NBC on March 1st) in Phoenix, Arizona.  This is the show that set up several angles for Wrestlemania 2. Mr. T defeated Boxing Bob Orton (Randy Orton's father) via countout in the second round of a boxing match.  Roddy Piper attacked Mr. T after the match, setting up their Wrestlemania 2 boxing match.

What was Bill Goldberg's last WWE appearance?

Goldberg's last WWE appearance was his win over Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 20 on March 14, 2004, which was also Brock Lesnar's last WWE appearance.

What's the story with Wrestlemania III?  Did it really draw 93,173 fans or not?

While WWE has long held steadfast to the live attendance figure of 93,173, the late Zane Bresloff, who handled local promotions for the event, has been reportedly been quoted as saying the attendance was actually 78,000.  However, the 93,173 figure is the one that all newspaper accounts of the event had.

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