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By Dave Scherer on 2006-09-28 15:05:00

The writing machine also known as Jim Ross has posted another blog on his site today.  He has made his site very interesting in a short period of time.  Today, he talks about Kurt Angle's signing with TNA, saying "No one betrayed anyone here."  He also added that it's ridiculous for Kurt to say he was "held back" in WWE.  I agree with JR here.  He wished Russo well in TNA and said that while WWE had many talks with Sting, he was never overly interested in coming to WWE since it meant a full time schedule.  He also put over The Undertaker and Ring of Honor.  It's a good read.  To do so, click here.

Ross' latest column is up on  This week, he names Jeff Hardy the Superstar of the week. also has four video interviews up with Eric Bischoff, where he talks about the failure of WCW, Kevin Nash, Paul Heyman and more..  

Jagger Kaye sent this report. ... Yesterday morning on The Howard Stern Show (Sirius) John Cena was brought up several times.  There is a back story of a listener known as "Eric The Midget" that always demands favors from Stern (he is also in a wheelchair, so Stern got him into many concerts in the past and even on a TV show but Eric has always been arrogant as well as ungrateful).  Eric recently he requested tickets to the red carpet premiere of THE MARINE starring John Cena.  Stern agreed to make that happen IF Eric would agree to be levitated by balloons in the studio but Eric said his family would cut off his financial ties if he agreed.  Gary (Bababooey - the shows producer) said John Cena himself listens and contacted Gary through WWE's office and said if he agreed to the balloons that Cena would pick up Eric in a limo and bring him to the premier himself.  After negotiating a counter-offer of Eric allowing a cartoon of him to air on HOWARDTV that Eric previously did not want to air, they made the deal for Eric to go to THE MARINE premiere.  No word on whether John Cena would be taking him (since Eric backed off from the original negotiations) but he will be going to the opening and obviously meeting Cena.  Hopefully this will lead to Cena making an appearance on Howard soon because I know from a Stern staffer that they turned down WWE"s offer to have Cena on.

The Sporting News website has a five question interview with Hulk Hogan.  To read it, click here. ... Thanks to Mike K for sending that along.

Mark G. sent this link, which goes to a article about Ohio State linebacker James Laurinaitis and his father, Road Warrior Animal.

WWE has five of the top ten listings in their category in the latest Billboard Top Ten.  TNA has one.  To check out the listings, click here.

Brent Lumkin sent this. ... The Xbox 360 demo for WWE SVR 2007 is now on the Xbox Live marketplace.

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